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Tori: I grab jades keyboard and make some tempo beat for the background and record the song I just made I'm actually crying by the end. I'll make an actual song to hand in latter I'll just take a nap it's only 5 I should be good.

12 hours letter

Tori: wow I feel rested I sit up and look beside me jades sleeping I look at the clock 5 am!!!!!  "What!!!"

Jade: "Ugh Tori we still have a little time before school let me sleep"

Tori: "I was suppose to take a nap not fall asleep for the entire night!"

Jade: "What?"

Tori: "I never made my song"

Jade: sits up "Tori you have the audio file already I checked before I fell asleep last night you have your song done"

Tori: "I wasn't gonna hand that one in"

Jade: " it'll be fine"

Tori: "Yah it's just the teacher seeing it anyway" I get out of the bed and get ready Jade does the same

At school

Cat: "Robbie look look" cat shows Robbie something I walk past and head to Sikowitz with Jade

Tori: we sit down in the back and I rest my head on Jade the rest of the class follows in sikowitz is last after the bell he comes through the door

Sikowitz: "Students today we will be doing  a fun activity you each have to pick a number between 1-3" he write 1,2,3 on the bored "Ok students form a line and put your name under a number the entire class does so. "Ok now if your name is under group one go outside of the school. If you name is under group 2 stay in the classroom and if your under group 3 your allowed to split up and go anywhere inside or outside"

Robbie: "So what are we doing?"

Sikowitz: "we have a double block so you an hour an a half"

Andr'e: "Yes but why are we doing this?"

Sikowitz: "Oh I forgot to mention you must grab a notebook and write on the notebook"

Cat: "What do we write?"

Sikowitz: " Anything you want to now students group 1 is outside you all must stay together group 2 stay here and group 3 you can go anywhere outside or inside the school and can spilt up but must be in minimum of 2 people stay together now out  you go"

Tori: I look at Jade "Well we're both group 3 we better head out"

Jade: "Yah come on"

Tori: me and Jade leave the classroom and walk outside it's semi cold air we sit against the school building

Jade: "So you got a notebook?"

Tori: "Um yah but don't you have one?"

Jade: "Nah left it at home"

Tori: "Ok yah here" I say grabbing a sketchbook  and handing it to Jade

Jade: "So what are we suppose to be doing anyway?"

Tori: "Whatever we want?"

Jade: "How about we take turns doing random stuff on a page?"

Tori: "Sounds good"

Jade: "Ok you start"

Tori: Jade hands me the sketchbook and puts her headphones in I grab a pencil and look at the paper I see Jade lightly singing a song she's slightly looking at me she  looks rather peaceful. She's not smiling she looks deep in thought I'm bad at drawing but I have nothing better to do so I draw Jade or try to at least I finish and rip the page off and stick it in the front of the book and close it I lean against the wall and cross my legs and just stare at the sky. Jade looks back over at me and takes off her headphones

Jade: "So you done drawing?"

Tori: "Uh yah"

Jade: "Can I see what you drew?"

Tori: "I'm sure I guess" I grab the paper and hand it to Jade 

Jade: "Is this me?"

Tori:"Yah I tried drawing you at least"

Jade: "I like it a lot Tori thank you"

Tori: "Well your turn to do something" I say handing her the book and pencil

Jade: I know exactly what I'll do

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