I think we should break up

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Tori: Jade takes me home mother of my parents are there just Trina and she's asleep we walk upstairs and I sit on my bed Jade sits next to me "Aren't you gonna go home?"

Jade: "Tori I'm not leaving you alone tonight"

Tori: "Why not I'm fine"

Jade: "Tori please I don't want to worry I won't be able to get sleep if I'm worrying about you just for tonight please" Jade gets up and goes to the other side of the bed and takes off her boots

Tori: "Fine here's a pillow" I say throwing it at Jade

Jade: "Thank you try to get some sleep Tori"

Tori: "Ok" I take off my shoes lay down and go underneath the covers I lay on my stomach and try to fall asleep I've been faking I'm asleep for about an hour I don't want Jade to worry that I can't fall asleep I lift my head to look at Jade she's sleeping I slowly get out of bed not making a sound I open my dresser drawer and take out the scissors I look at the blade then I look over at Jade I do this a few more times I'll just do a little cut I need to sleep I angle the blade and make a small cut but it doesn't stop at just one I make 7 cuts I don't don't make a sound while doing so I put back the scissors and get back into bed after covering up my arm I fall asleep a few seconds later. I dream quite often but lately they haven't been positive I dream of my mom finding out I've been cutting myself she asks me why and I tell her the reason and that I'm dating Jade she flips out and tells me I should've cut a little deeper and bleed out as my life doesn't matter if I'm gay and how she would rather me be dead then be a lesbian. Apparently I was shouting in my sleep or something I wake up suddenly.

Jade: "Tori you ok you were yelling in your sleep?"

Tori: I just cry I feel like all I've been doing is crying I sit up and Jade turns on my lamp next to my bed "I'm sorry for waking you"

Jade: "No need to be sorry what we're you dreaming about?"

Tori: "Um walking a dog?" Wow that didn't sound very convincing

Jade: "Please tell me"

Tori: "It's stupid"

Jade:"Please Tori" I look at Jade ugh she's not gonna let this go

Tori: "idk some stupid dream that my mom finds out I'm cutting myself and she asks why I tell her that every time she says those nasty words it's like throwing a spike through my heart I tell her we're dating and she says I should have cut a little deeper and bleed out as my life doesn't matter if I'm gay and she would rather me dead then a lesbian something I've heard her say before"

Jade: "Wait what she's told you she would rather you dead?"

Tori: "No she said to my dad she would rather her child be dead then gay if she ever had a fucked up kid"

Jade: "That's practically the same thing Tori I didn't know just how homophobic they were"

Tori: "Yah they sometimes go to anti lgbtq marches"

Jade: "Are you serious"

Tori: "Yah"

Jade: "So is that why you've been cutting?"

Tori: "I guess it's just so stressful especially with the play coming up"

Jade: "We don't have to do the play it's fine I'll just write it and they can get different leads"

Tori: "I can't ask you to do that"

Jade: "I'm emailing sikowitz right now"

Tori: "No you can't do that"

Jade: "It's already sent Tori you matter more to me then a stupid play"

Tori:"Are you sure?"

Jade: "Tori you matter more to me then anything in this entire world"

Tori: "Really?"

Jade: "Yes of course"

Tori: "I don't know why but I thought you were just going through a phase or something I guess my parents got into my head I thought you would realize you don't like me like that and you would leave me"

Jade: "Tori I'm not going to leave you" Jade says hugging me

Tori: "But I got all these problems I wouldn't hate you if you did"

Jade: "Vega I love you and I'm gonna help you through it" Jade looks down at the bed we're my arm was resting she spots blood "Tori did you cut yourself again?"

Tori: I look away I feel so embarrassed I'm so weak

Jade:"Show me your arm"

Tori: "No"

Jade: "show me your arm"

Tori:  I pull up my sleeve and show Jade looking away

Jade: "Why?"

Tori: "I couldn't fall asleep"

Jade: "But I made sure you were asleep before I fell asleep I stayed up an hour"

Tori:"I was faking"

Jade: "Frick Trina told me you do that"

Tori: "Yah"

Jade: "Give me it"

Tori:"Give you what?"

Jade: "Whatever you've been cutting yourself with"

Tori: I say nothing

Jade: "Give it to me"

Tori: "I say nothing" Jade then stands up turns on my light and looks around my room with her eyes she spots my dresser drawer open a tad she goes over to it "Jade no" she opens it and finds the scissors her non dulling scissors that she left in my bedroom she looks at them all emotions appear on her face she starts crying I say nothing she looks like her mind is racing

Jade:  "you you could've and it would've been  my fault"

Tori: "What?"

Jade: "You could've killed yourself and it would've been my fault for leaving them here"

Tori: "I would've used something else it's not your fault"

Jade: "If you don't see them you would've never started"

Tori: "Jade it's not your fault and I did it with glass before the scissors Jade you have nothing to do with it"

Jade: "No I do if you weren't dating me you wouldn't have to go through this it's all my fault"

Tori: "It isn't"

Jade: "Tori I love you too much I think we should break up"

Writer: To be continued

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