I want to try

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Tori pov

Jade- "I wanna try"

Tori- "Try what" wait does she want to be my girlfriend????

Jade- "You know us"

Tori- "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

Jade- "I guess I am"

Tori- I hug Jade and then squeal

Jade- "Wow your more exited then I thought you would be"

Tori- "well let's just say I maybe possibly have dreamt about this happening wait am I dreaming??"

Jade- "No your not dreaming silly"

Tori- "Well how do I know this is just to good to be true"

Jade- "Well this is one way" Jade leans over and kisses me and then I deepen the kiss not wanting it to end. We pull back smile and drop our heads on to the pillows

Tori- "Woh I guess that's one way to know I'm awake"

Jade- "Ha I guess so"

Tori- "Well we better get some sleep"

Jade- Your right"

Tori- "Goodnight Jade"

Jade- "Goodnight Tori"

Tori- I move closer to Jade she puts her arm around me and we drift of to sleep.

Alarm clock- BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ

Jade- "Shut up you stupid clock"

Tori- "What time is it" I say rubbing my eyes

Jade- " 11 o'clock 

Tori- "fuck" I check my phone 3 miss calls from my mom I would've expected more

Jade- "You should call her back"

Tori- "Yah I probably should" I call my mom back  on speaker as I swear she talks like a mouse

Tori's mom- "Hey sweetie where are you?"

Tori- "I'm still at Jades just woke up"

Tori's mom- "We'll I just called to see if you could help me organize the basement"

Tori- "Yah I guess I can I thought you would be at work tho"

Tori's mom- "I am I was kind hoping you could do it by yourself"

Tori- "Oh yah that's fine I'll come home soon and organize it"

Tori's mom- "Thanks sweetie I asked Trina this morning but she's busy apparently practicing a song"

Tori- "Sounds like Trina no problem"

Tori's mom- "Well I got to go bye love you"

Tori- "Love you to" I then hang up

Jade- "What's wrong with Trina she has arms and legs just because she is practicing her dying cat nosies mean you have to do it by yourself"

Tori- "Eh it'll be fine"

Jade- "well I can't do much because of this dang cast but I could keep you company if you want"

Tori- "Sure that would be great" I say smiling

Jade- "Well let's get out of here this place just screams loneliness" 

Tori- "We go outside and hop into Jades car and head over to my house" finally we're here I grab her crutches then open Jades door and hand them to her we walk inside and Trina is on the couch watching tv eating some chips.

Trina- "Oh hey sis did mom tell you to tidy up the basement?"

Tori-"Why couldn't have you done it your not doing anything important"

Trina- "I'm relaxing it's good for your mental health you should try it sometime."

Tori-"Maybe I would have some time if you ever helped mom and dad around here you never do anything"

Trina- "That's not true I took the trash out a week ago"

Tori-"whatever com-on Jade" me and Jade head down to the basement

Jade-"It's not fair that your sister gets to sit around and do nothing"

Tori- "I don't mind other than she thinks she has to right not to do anything"

Jade-"Well she sure is one in titled bitch" "what you know it's true"

Tori- "Yah she is sometimes anyway there's the couch over there I have to start tidying up yippie" I say as I roll my eyes

Jade- "So what is all this stuff?"

Tori- "Mainly just things from when me and Trina were kids a lot of her talent show props and things"

Jade- "So how come you weren't ever in any talent shows?"

Tori- "I didn't think I had any talent my entire life it was all about Trina"

Jade- "Well you have more talent in your pinky finger then Trina has in her in her whole body" Tori- "ha that's funny but it's not like Trina doesn't have talent it's that she doesn't use it to her advantage like she focuses on things surrounding singing but that's the weakest area she has"

Jade- "I never thought about it like that"

Tori- "Yah you got to give her some credit for the level of confidence she has to"

Jade- "So why don't you toss all this stuff away?"

Tori- "It probably has some meaning to Trina so it's not my place to touch it I'm just going to organize it better"

Jade- "Your to0 nice"

Tori- "Well you got to remember the golden rule treat others like you would want to be treated"

Jade- "Oh Tori you definitely don't have a sharp bone in your body"

Tori- "Yah we're like total opposites"

Jade- "what's that saying?" "Oh yah opposites attract" Jade says as she smiles I've always loved her smiles

Tori- "Yah I do think that's the saying" I say smirking at sitting next to Jade on the couch. I lean in a give Jade a tiny kiss to my surprise she deepens it and then starts kissing down my neck. I giggle "stop it Jade Trina is going to hear us" I whisper

Jade- "I don't know if I can stop that giggle is just to cute" she continues and the giggling of course follows I then hear footsteps and push Jade away from me did Trina see I'm to scared to look I look and I see...

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