Pushing them down

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Tori- "We can't we shouldn't Jade I hope you understand."

Jade- "Yah I get it" she says but then she gets up crying and starts running down the path

Tori- "Jade wait come back"

Jade- "owww dang it" I hear Jade yell in the distance followed by a horrible scream

Tori- "Jade what happened" I say running to find her"

Jade- "leave me along I'm fine" I hear her say but I can tell she's trying not to scream.

Tori- "omg Jade what happened"

Jade- "Nothing I'm fine trust me" Jade proceeds to try to get up but she falls straight back down.

Tori- "omg Jade is that blood on your face" Jade starts crying her tears mixing with her blood:

Jade- "Just help me up and I'll drive you home"

Tori- "Your ankle looks broken we have to go to the hospital"

Jade- "Tori I'm no baby it's fine see ow" Jade screams after she only moves her ankle a little.

Tori- "Your obviously not fine is your other ankle fine" I say as I start moving it.

Jade- "I only hurt my right side so it's fine my wrist is also a little banged up"

Tori- "ok stay here I'll be back"

Jade- "it's not like I could go anywhere" "where are you even going" 

Tori- "I'll be back" I grab a fallen branch of descent length and make my way back to Jade.

Jade- "what the hell is that for"

Tori- "just one sec" I angle the branch and jump on it to break it into the right length. "Jade do you have your scissors?"

Jade- "um yah here"

Tori- "thanks" I then take my flannel off lay it against a rock and make a few cuts. I then hand Jade the scissors back and rip the flannel into appropriate pieces.

Jade- "what the hell are you doing Vega"

Tori- "ok I'm gonna take off your shoe you don't need the extra weight it could do more damage" I then proceed to take of her shoe with Jade wincing in pain. "Sorry I'll be careful" I then take the stick angle it against her foot and take the scraps of my flannel and secure it in place. "Ok all done now let me help you up" "don't put your right foot on the ground lean against me I'll help you walk"

Jade-"Don't you dare let me fall Vega"

Tori- "I won't nice and slow"

Jade- "This hurts like my fucking mother"

Tori-"I think the saying is mother fucker"

Jade- "Let's just make it to the car"

Tori- "ok nice and slow" before long we make it to the car and I help Jade in the passenger seat.

Jade- "Just take me home"

Tori- "give me the keys" Jade then hands me the keys  "your not going home we are going to the hospital"

Jade-"ughh drive wherever you want it doesn't mean I'm getting out"

Tori- I start the car and drive to the hospital. I get there in no time I might have been speeding. I park close to the entrance and tell Jade to wait here. I run inside see the wheelchairs and grab one and run and wheel it outside. "Jade come on your going inside"

Jade- "Ugh Vega your really getting on my nerves" "fine I'll go inside"

Tori- "Thank you" I help Jade into the wheelchair then I roll her inside going straight up to the desk "I think she broke her ankle hurt her wrist and she might have a concussion" I say panicky

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