Sister love

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Door: Knock Knock

Trina: "Yes come in?"

Jade: "Tori found your jacket she's busy taking a shower so she told me to give it to you"

Trina: "Oh thanks"

Jade: "Ok well bye" I say heading to the door

Trina: "Wait!"

Jade: "What?"

Trina:"Um what's up with you and Tori" Maybe I can get a better picture?

Jade: Wait what is she talking about no did she notice me and tori cuddling fuck tori never put her shirt back on. "Um nothing much" I say after awhile of thinking

Trina: "Well I didn't realize that you too were close"

Jade:" Yah we're um good friends" what is Trina getting at?

Trina: "Oh ok well don't you hurt Tori you understand she has feelings unlike you ok don't you go breaking her heart" I don't want to integrate her and make her feel uncomfortable but I do love my sister.

Jade: "What um yah sure" What is she talking about dang she definitely knows.

Trina: "You two be careful ok now get out I need to get ready"

Jade: "Um ok bye" I say leaving the room I go back to Tori's room and sit on her bed

Tori: "Hey what's up" Tori comes into her room dressed but still drying her hair

Jade: "Um...."

Tori: "What?" 

Jade: "Nothing"

Tori: "What happened what did Trina do?"

Jade: "It's not what she did its what she said"

Tori:"What did she say?"

Jade: I'm not exactly sure she told me for us careful and not to break you heart?"

Tori: "Oh um that weird I wonder why she said that"

Jade: "I think she saw us cuddling and you didn't have a shirt on..."

Tori: "Omg no fuck no"

Jade:"Hey she won't say anything"

Tori: "You don't get it she'll use it to her advantage she'll blackmail me she always does stuff like that ugh"

Jade:"Where are you going" I ask Tori as she's got up and is going toward the door

Tori: "To talk to Trina"  I wasn't going to bother to knock but I'm no animal I knock fast then open the door go inside and close it behind me

Trina: "Hey I'm busy doing my makeup" I look up and I see Tori's face she's mad but she also looked worried. "What's wrong?"

Tori: "Why did you say that to Jade!"

Trina: "Say what?"

Tori: "Telling her not to break my heart and for us to be careful"

Trina: I move my way onto the bed and sit down "Tori sit"

Tori: "What why just tell me"

Trina: "Just sit"  how the heck do I say this what if I'm wrong I can't be wrong it's so obvious

Tori: "Fine you gonna tell me now"

Trina: "You and Jade are more then friends aren't you"

Tori: "Uh um uh"  What do I tell her???

Trina: Tori looks away and I see a tear go down her face "Hey it's ok you can tell me" she glances up at me

Tori: "Would it be a problem if we were" she says looking down

Trina: "Of course not I wouldn't care"

Tori: "Um yah we're kinda dating" I say reluctantly

Trina: "I'm fine with you dating a girl but Jade what do you see in her anyway"

Tori: I chuckle "I don't know I guess she's just perfect I don't really know how to explain it better then that"

Trina: I see Tori look down "hey what's the matter?"

Tori: "Your not going to tell mom or dad right"

Trina: I can see the terrified look on her face "No of course not why would I"

Tori: "You like to blackmail me idk I thought you might"

Trina: "Tori this is different I wouldn't tell anyone"

Tori: "Promise?"

Trina: "I promise just be careful around mom and dad I'm pretty sure they would kick you out"

Tori: "Yah I know that's why I've been reluctant to start a thing with Jade I've had feelings for her for awhile it feels so right but so wrong at the same time I just don't want to be a freak"

Trina: "Come here" I say opening my arms "Hey I might not always show it but I love you I'm your big sister you can come to me for anything ok and your not a freak ok" As Tori is hugging me I whisper "You two are cute together" she pulls back and smiles

Tori: "Thank you Trina"

Trina: "No problem your secret is safe with me" "Now get out I have to finish my makeup"

Tori: "Bye"

Trina: Tori is now out of my room I go back over to my vanity and I look in my mirror my makeup got messed up I guess I shed a few tears myself. I don't know why but I felt good tori shared that with me but I'm really scared for her future people don't act to kind about that type of stuff. Would mom and dad really kick her out?

Writer: To be continued

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