Break from it all

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Jade: We're pulling up to my house Tori brought a few things and told Trina she was staying over at my house she didn't even seem mad I think she realizes something going on with Tori and doesn't push it we go inside my house and my mom is on the couch

Jades mom- "Hello Jade and who is this?"

Jade- "Tori"

Jades mom- "Tori we'll hello Jade has kept you a secret she won't tell me anything about you please sit" My mom patting the seat next to her

Tori: "Ok"

Jades mom- "So you helped Jade here when she  fell?"

Tori: "Yah I just splinted it and drove to the hospital no big deal"

Jades mom- "I feel bad I wasn't there I've been so wrapped up in work I'm glad you took care of her"

Jade: Why is my mom saying this does she actually feel bad?

Tori: "It's not problem I bet she would've done the same for me"

Jades mom: "I don't know she's a little stubborn doesn't let anyone in her room"

Tori: Looks at me

Jades mom: "You that curly haired boy that she was going out with he never even wen't inside"

Tori: Starts to lightly blush

Jade: "Well I don't mind Tori going in their she's not a bitch about the stuff I have like some people" I glare at my mom

Jades mom: Smirks

Jade: "Tori let's go to my room"

Jades mom: "I wanted to get to know Tori"

Jade: "You'll have plenty of time to I'm repaying the favor she's staying over a bit if you don't mind" I say walking to my room Tori following"

Jades mom: "No of course not she's responsible I've seen her name on the honor role"

Jade: I shut my door "Why the hell is she paying attention to stuff now and why she care so much to remember your on the honor role"

Tori: "So why does your mom think Becks never been inside your room?

Jade: "He hasn't"

Tori: "A little lier you are" Tori says smirking

Jade: "I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it Beck has you know seen practically my entire room on camera but hasn't been inside to see it's integrity he's still made nasty comments tho"

Tori: "Well then I feel honored"

Jade: I slightly chuckle

Tori: I see Tori rubbing at her arm lightly

Jade: "Tori come here"

Tori: "ok?" She says standing up from the bed I take her arm and bring her into my bathroom

Jade: "Roll up your sleeve"

Tori: "Why?"

Jade: "Just do it"

Tori: "Fine" Tori rolls up her sleeve

Jade: "Put it under the sink and wait a sec" I rummage through a container

Tori: "What are you doing?"

Jade: "Here wash your arm gently with this" I hand her "Bactine Wound Wash"

Tori: "Is it gonna hurt?"

Jade: "No it's just like a special clencer it doesn't sting almost like hydrogen peroxide but hydrogen peroxide can harm the tissue actually preventing heeling"

Tori: "You sure?"

Jade: "Yah I'm sure" Tori starts washing her arm still wincing as the pressure from her hand washing it I finally find the Vaseline and I also grab gauze and an wound dressing as I see still a few bad cuts I noticed there is 2 or 3 fresh one's probably from this morning but I'm into going to mention it "Tori sit"

Tori: "I'm not a dog" she says but sits on the toilet I knee down

Jade: "Give me your arm"

Tori: "What you going to do to it?"

Jade: "Just put some Vaseline and cover it to heel better"

Tori: "Fine" Tori says handing me her arm

Jade: I very Gently put the Vaseline over arm from just below her wrist to her elbow there's cuts the worst ones being close to her wrist after I have the vaseline on I grab the wound patch and put it on the cuts closest to her wrist then wrap her arm in the gauze she winced a few times less then I thought she would these are some bad cuts I finished "All done that wasn't that bad was it"

Tori:"I guess not thanks Jade"

Jade: "No problem"

Tori: "You want to watch a movie?"

Jade: "Sure" Tori's goes back into my room I put away the left over gauze and wound wash and Join tori

Tori: "What do you want to watch?"

Jade: "You can pick" Tori puts on this random baking movie bake race or something my tv is low enough for us to lay down I hold Tori as we watch or rather she watches I just stare at her. I should have been able to see the signs me of all people should have noticed. I'm glad she didn't question why I had wound wash and gauze I don't know what I would have told her. I'm so stupid I have to be their for Tori.

Tori: "This is boring I suck at picking movies"

Jade: "All the movies I like are violent only best for night what about that show you said you wanted to watch "Girl meets world"

Tori: "Ok"

Jade: We watch episode after episode I even laugh a few times it's obviously for younger teens but who cares

Jades mom: Opens Jades door

Writer: To be continued 🙂

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