I love you more then anyrhing

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Tori: "What?"

Jade: "I love you"

Tori: "So why would you break up with me?"

Jade: "I told you I love you more the anything in this entire world Tori that includes me"

Tori: "What do you mean?"

Jade: "I would rather never see you again and you still be alive I don't want to see you dead Tori"

Tori: "Your the only reason why I didn't kill myself"

Jade: "But I was also the reason you were so close to doing it as I said that thing before if I didn't text you I don't want to even think about it"

Tori: "You didn't mean it you just made a mistake and it's my fault for believing it I guess you just have thought you were a freak because I sometimes do"

Jade: "Your not a freak"

Tori: "I don't want you to go"

Jade: "But I want you to stop cutting yourself if you don't have to think about me you'll stop"

Tori: "I don't think I could get you out of my mind and I've never cut myself because of you if anything I cut less because of you I was looking online and I think I have What's called internalized homophobia it has nothing do with you it's my stupid parents I feel weak for letting them get to Me"

Jade: "Your not weak no one should have to go through that my parents aren't like yours there not super homophobic it's not like their allies but they've never said anything horrible like yours do.

Tori: "Really?"

Jade: "Yah They've never said anything that awful maybe the occasional sissy joke from my dad but that's about it"

Tori:" I wish I could just take a break from it all it's like they never stop don't they have something better to talk about"

Jade: "What if you could?"

Tori: "What if I could what?"

Jade: "Take a break from it all"

Tori: "How?"

Jade: "Stay with me for a week or two my moms been dying to meet you"


Jade: "Yah For some reason I think she feels bad she wasn't their when I broke my ankle she hasn't left home once she's doing work from home or something"

Tori: "I will under one condition"

Jade: "What?"

Tori: "kiss me"Jade comes over to me trying to read me she leans in and kisses me and I kiss back she pulls back and kisses my forehead

Jade: "I love you Tori"

Tori: "Promise me something"

Jade: "Promise what"

Tori: "Promise your never leave me for something stupid"

Jade: "I promise I'll never leave you" Jade gets up and turns off the lights gets into bed and snuggles with me being careful not to touch my arm we both fall asleep the warmth from my body transferring to hers

Tori: I dream for once in awhile it's a good dream I dream of being on a beach during sunset just running along with Jade we write in the sand and make sand angles we fall asleep on the beach in each-others arms

A Jori ending Where stories live. Discover now