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Jen woke up to her alarm, groaning and turning it off. She got up, got a shower, and got dressed. "*yawn* gotta go to work soon..." she looks around before grabbing her phone and her charger. She made herself breakfast before going to her car and driving out to Froogy's Fast Food. She parked and saw that the place was still open, so she stayed in her car thinking about how life. Like how weird this job was. Was this even worth the money?

"...what am I thinking. Of course it is!" She says to herself. She waits for another minute before getting out upon noticing most people were starting to leave. She walks up to the front door and waited outside. After a minute, her boss walked out and seemed surprised she was there. "Jen! You're here pretty early." Jen shrugged. "Didn't have much better to do, so I was just waiting out here for a bit." She says, getting a smirk from William. "Well. Either way, I'm glad you're a bit early! Shows your dedication to the job!" Jen smiles back. "Heh. Yeah, I suppose it does."

"Well the cleaners are just finishing up in there so you can head to your office if now if you want." He says. "Ok then, thanks boss!" "My pleasure!" He responds with before Jen goes in the building and to her office, deciding to watch some videos on her phone, scrolling through YouTube until her shift started.

The time flies by and after a while, it was 12:00. The office phone rings, and she answers. "Hello?" "Hello Jen! It's Dave again." The voice says. "Hey, right. Mind if I ask you a few questions about this whole thing?" Jen asks, leaning forward in her seat. "Now hold on. Before that happens, I need to tell you about a few important things I have here." He countered. "Alright. What is it?" Jen asks.

"Ok. So tonight Cuddles the Harp Seal will be active. The little thing isn't actually capable of putting you into a suit it's self, but, that doesn't mean it should be ignored. What it does is she will make her way over to your room. It doesn't leave if your door is closed, so, you wanna let it in. You then want to close the door until your room heats up a bit. This will make it realise it's in the wrong room since it's supposed to be in the snow room, and will cause it to return to stage. If it stays in your room for too long, it will jump onto you and try and, well, cuddle you." Dave explains. "Wait. Really?"

"Yeahaha. Silly, I know. Since it's room is closed in the winter, it is left without people to play with or cuddle with for a while. So at night it will occasionally try to play or cuddle with the other animatronics. Since the other animatronics are designed to give out hugs if a kids asks for one, they naturally respond. So, if she meets one of them, it will actually stall them for a minute. But when it finds you, it will also hug you for a minute. But you can't really get away during this time period so... you'll be kinda stuck for a while. So. When it's at your door, let it in, THEN close the door, then open the door again to let it leave." Dave finished. "Ok. I think I got it." Jen replied.

"Ok. then there's just 1 more thing. Those little slushie guys. Basically, they'll occasionally block your camera view. You can't really get rid of them so you just have to wait for them to leave. Oh! Right! If you want, you can trick Froogy into helping you by leaving the camera on him for a while. Then, he'll eat the slushie instead of the camera. But you should change views right after to prevent him from trying again." Dave then says. "Alright..." Jen replies, making a note of that. "now what was your question?" Dave asks.

"Oh, right. So um. Is it ok if I ask about why these robots are so... advanced?" Jen questioned. "Oh! That's thanks to Mr. Afton! He's a genius. Made the blueprints to every animatronic in most of the modern restaurants attached to Fazbear Entertainment currently. He made plenty of breakthroughs on technology, all while in his 20's" Dave said, oddly eagarly. "Oh, ok. Thanks for telling me." "Eh don't mention it. Anyway. I gotta go! See you tomorrow!" "Bye!" Dave hangs up, and Jen puts the phone back on its hook.

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