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Charlie sat on the side of a stage. Several boxes were on it, along with being around the room. On her lap, was a small toy rabbit.

She watched as workers moved things around and pulled things out of boxes

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She watched as workers moved things around and pulled things out of boxes. Her father was talking with some workers. They all we're packing up objects and putting them out into big trucks. She kicks her feet, waiting for her dad to be done. After a minute, her Dad approaches her. "Hey sweetie. You doing ok?" He asks. "...I'm fine. Just bored..." Charlie replied, letting out a sigh. "Well we're almost done here. Just need to clear out the last of the Chica merchandise." He says.

"...Dad... aren't you going to miss Chica's Party world?" Charlie asked. Her dad Nodded. "Yeah. But hey. We're replacing it with something much better!" He says with pride. "What is it?" Charlie asked. "Well. Remember the mascot you helped me name last week?" He asks. "Ummm... Gabby Goldfish?" Charlie asks. "No, not that one." He responds. "Bux the bunny?" "Nope!" "Hmmm..." Charlie thinks for a second. "Al the alligator?" She asked. "So close!" Charlie's eyes lit up. "Oh! Froogy the Frog!" "Bingo!" Her dad says excitedly. "We're bringing him in here and he's gonna be way better then what Chica's ever was!" He says, patting her head.

"Now you stay right here. I just have a few last things to take care of." He says. "Ok dad!" The man walks off. Charlie thought to herself. Froogy was a bit of a joke name. Just came to her mind randomly. Her dad said it was perfect so she was happy to help. She watched as the boxes were wheeled out. Who knows. Maybe she'd love Froogy more then Chica. Maybe she'd find it more fun then when this place was Chica's Party World.



Theodore belongs to Scott
Chica's Party World belongs to Scott

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