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Jen was now at work. Waiting for time to fly, drinking a strawberry Slushy until finally, the phone rang. She picks up. "Hello?" Dave asks from the other side. "Heya Dave. What's gonna be after me thins night?" I ask. "Heya Jen. Good news! Nothing!" He says. "Wait, really?" "Well, nothing new at least." He says. Talk about a pleasant surprise. "Ok, good. I was starting to lose track of these things." Jen says.

"I am here to do something else, however. Specifically to just ask if you've seen any strange activity around the place, or anywhere else you usually go to." He says. "... wait... Huh?" Jen says in a confused tone. "Just some company stuff. This kinda job tends to drive people a bit loopy. At first, only a few people said it but after a while... there were patterns." "What does that mean?" Jen felt a bit uneasy.

"Look. We're not saying anyone is crazy or anything. We do think that someone out there has been playing around with our employees. Dressing up in a costume, staring at them from long distances, that kinda stuff. Just wanna see if there's any patterns, so we can find and sue whoever's been messing with people. If you see anything odd like that, let us know." Dave explained. "Ah, ok. I haven't seen anything, well, except for the giant frog who's outside my door right now." She says, closing the door.

"Ok. Well, thanks Jen. Do you have any more questions?" He asks. "Nope." Jen says happily. "See you tomorrow!" "Bye." They hang up. Jen let out a sigh and started to go through the night. She stayed alert, making sure to keep an extra eye out on the Broken White Rabbit. The night was stressful. The entire band got off stage, walking around and doing their thing. After the night was finally done, she went around collecting the slushies that were around the place.

Finding them all, she put them back and decided to play the arcade a bit more. She broke her high score, getting much farther then last time before the day shift arrive and she goes home again. Flopping down on her couch, she let out a sigh. "...Man... this job is..." she sat in silence for a moment. "... dumb..." she says, looking up at the ceiling. After a second, she sat up. She stands up, going over to a door leading to a different room. She hesitated, but after a second opened it.

Inside was a empty desk along with several cardboard boxes stacked in piles around the room. There was a closet on the right side of the room, and another door on the right. Most of everything was covered in a thin layer of dust, untouched until now. Her breath turns shaky. After a few minutes, she feels a hand suddenly placed on her shoulder, quickly spinning around.

"S-... oh." She say May was there. ".,. I was knocking for a while... got worried so I used the emergency key you gave me... You... thinking about him again...?" She asks. Jen, looks down at her socked feet, lightly nodding. "... I get it... but o don't think this job is good for you." May says, concerned for her friend. "N-no. It... it pays really good and... I don't have many other options." She says, closing the door and sitting down on her sofa. May follows, sitting next to her.

"... Jen... I know losing a family member can be hard... especially if they were so young... but you need to let your brother go." May says. "May... I can't... I know I can't get him back, but... I've never felt so close to him. Not since that horrible man... took him..." Jen says, looking down at her hands. "Jen. It's been years... That guy could be in a different country by now." May protests.

"I don't care... I'm not asking you to help me look like before." Jen says. "That's not the problem! I'm fine with helping you!... but... eventually you have to understand... we can't." Jen looks at her friend, before covering her eyes with her hands and resting her elbows on her knees. "... I...I know... B-but... I can't do nothing..." Jen says. May sat in silence for a moment. "...Ok... but please. Try to get some rest." May put a hand on her shoulder. "You really need it." It took a second, but Jen pulls May into a hug. "...thank you..." was all that was said. "...I'm sorry I keep pulling you into this..." Jen says. "I-It's fine... I'd do anything to help you." May replies, a faint blush making its way onto her face.

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