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Jen was at her house getting ready for work, packing her bag and getting something to eat. She goes into her car and drives out to Froogy's as she had done before. She got in, greeted her boss, got a watermelon slushy and went to the office. She sat around as she usually did and the phone started ringing. Jen sighs and picked up. "Hello?" She asks, waiting for Dave to tell her about some weird new things. "Hey Jen! Glad to see you're still here!" Dave says. "Thanks. It's not as hard as I thought it would be." Jen replied. "Well that's good to hear! Tonight, there should be 2 large boxes in the room just outside of yours." Dave said. Jen flips up the cameras. "Oh. Yeah, I see them." Jen says, looking at the 2 crates. "Well inside are 2 unfinished animatronics. One is just an Endoskeleton, and the other is a damaged White Rabbit model. Basically, they're gonna stay there the whole night. But, if you hear a thumping sound, that means the Endo is out. You just gotta hold the door closed and it will go back. As for the Rabbit, you'll hear a scraping sound. Funny story actually. It fell out the back of the truck and snapped clean in half, so it has no legs. It's kinda slow, but when it comes at you it can slip in easily. So all you have to do is once again close the door on him. Sometimes, the Rabbit will wedge its hands between the door and hold it open. It can't get in, but other bots can. So you just need to open the door, and then close it again. If it tries again, just repeat until the thing leaves." Dave says. "Hold on. I thought the others stuff Endoskeletons into suits?" Jen asks, remembering the night before. "Yeah. They do. But these guys run out of their boxes and straight back in. So they get off the radar before anything can put them into suits. Although the possibility of one catching them in time isn't totally impossible, but still unlikely." Dave says. "...ooook..." Jen says with a bit of scepticism in her voice. "W-well anyway. That should be all for tonight. See you tomorrow!" Dave hung up before Jen said anything else. Jen looks around her room before sighing.

The Endo skeleton tried her door a few times but it was nothing too serious, all the others doing their normal thing

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The Endo skeleton tried her door a few times but it was nothing too serious, all the others doing their normal thing. Around the end, Jen starts getting a bit too comfortable in her seat.


Jen quickly shut the door, but found it stuck.

The broken rabbit held it open, the busted bot looking her dead in the eyes

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The broken rabbit held it open, the busted bot looking her dead in the eyes. Jen opens the door again and tries closing it again but the White Rabbit Crawler still held the door open. The sound of footsteps fill Jen's ears as panic sets in. She tried again, again, again and again before finally the door was let go. There was a moment of silence as Jen let's herself breathe, before she wakes herself up with a quick swig of a water bottle to get through the rest of the night.

Then just like that, she was done. 6:00 AM came around and Jen was finally free. She got her stuff together, found all the Slushies and played the same game until the day crew arrived. She drove herself home, still worried as to why the weird rabbit thing was trying so hard to get in. But whatever the reason was, it was creepy.

We see the restaurant open. Kids run around, parents sit at tables, employees deliver food, and the animatronics sing their jolly tunes. Back stage, stood William and one of his mechanics. "So it just... fell!?" William asked. "Yeah! I don't know who the drivers were, but they're off to the place with the goldfish right now." The man says. "*sigh* whatever. Just... fix this thing up!" He says, pointing at the broken white rabbit. "You have no idea how expensive these things are!" The employee nods. "Y-yes sir. We'll get right on that." William walks away, passing the animatronics on stage and exiting the building. He get's into his car and sighs. Looking at the restaurant for a second, before smiling. He starts his car, and began driving. "... Just need to look harder." He says, eyes glued to the road.

Darkness... Jen stands in a pitch black room. A light above her forming a small circle of light, just enough for her to see a foot around her. Looking down, she stood on a black and white checkered tile floor. She could hear the faint whisper of unknown voices and smell what she couldn't identify at first, but after a second realised it was something sweet. Birthday cake maybe? It didn't matter. Jen tried moving, but found her feet stuck to the floor beneath her. No matter how hard she pulled and tugged, she was stuck. Her ears are filled by the sound of a low growl. She looks around, before noticing 2 eyes staring at her through the darkness. They were glowing a bright purple. Jen felt frozen. She couldn't move. She stared at the eyes for what felt like hours.

Finally, her eyes shoot open. Looking around, she see's she had just fallen asleep on the couch. She let out a sigh. "...Just a weird dream..." She get's out of bed, realising she was drenched in sweat. She get's herself a quick shower to rinse herself off, gets dressed and started getting ready for work as she did normally. She couldn't quite shake the weird dream, but tried to ignore it to the best of her ability. She started driving out to work, hoping it wouldn't introduce any weird new things for her to deal with.

Hoping, that the Broken White Rabbit wouldn't try anything like that again.

Endo 01 belongs to Scott
Broken White Rabbit belongs to me

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