William Afton-1

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William was working away on a workbench

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William was working away on a workbench. Clearly lost in thought, he continues wiring the robotic arm that sat in her desk. He's snapped out of his thoughts, hearing his door opening. "Hey Willlll... what's with the...?" He looks back at the person.

?" He looks back at the person

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"...what's with what?" William asked his brother. Vincent stares at William before gesturing to the other end of the room. William looks there to see what he was talking about. There were several animatronics lined up against the wall. Brown bears, yellow birds, bluish purple bunnies, red foxes and white rabbits. All with a difference in attire and hue.

"Oh. Those." William says, going back to work on the metallic hand on his desk. "I needed something to do, so I made a few animatronics." He says casually. "...yep. Seems like something you would do." Vincent shrugs. "Anyway... I thought I should remind you to come down and eat." Vincent says, kinda forcing it out. "In a minute..." was all William said. Vincent nods. He closes the door, walking away. William sat there for a moment.

Slowly coming to his feet, William approached the door. The knob turns and the hinges let out a creak, almost a cry that echoed through the empty hallway. He walks through the hall decorated in a white wallpaper, reaching the living room. Making his way across it, he reaches a doorway leading into the kitchen. Several people were there, sitting at the table or helping cook. The air was heavy and the tension was thick. So thick, it felt like it could be cut with one of the knives laid out on the table. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a voice spoke out. "... So..." William glanced towards the source of the voice.

His sister, Violet afton, sat on the left side of him

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His sister, Violet afton, sat on the left side of him. "... I thought I'd run down to the convinence stoor to grab everyone some soda... i-if you guys want any, of course." She says akwardly. There was silence, the only sounds being the slight bubbles emerging from the pot of pasta on the stove. "... T-That's a n-no then..." violet looks down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers.

William let out a quiet sigh. "Thanks for the offer Violet, but we're fine." He says. "O-okay..." she says, slightly glad that she hadn't made everyone mad. William looks to his side right.

 William looks to his side right

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"..." the woman stares blankly into her empty bowl. William slowly and carefully places his hand on top of her  hand, which rested on her leg. She flinched at his touch, glancing around the room, seeming to only just realise that she wasn't alone.

 She flinched at his touch, glancing around the room, seeming to only just realise that she wasn't alone

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"Diner's ready." The woman cooking said. She placed the large pot in the middle of the table, serving the noodles to everyone. "Thanks Veronica..." Vincent says. Once she was done, she went to the kids table. William began eating. No sauce, no cheese, nothing. He quietly ate the food, not looking up from his bowl. After he finsishes eating, he excuses himself, going back to his room. He closes the door to his home office, sitting back down at his desk. His eyes drift to an item on the desk.

The yellow bear plush looks at him with a blank stare

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The yellow bear plush looks at him with a blank stare. He softly smiles back at it. "... I'm sorry CC..." He whispers. "... I should have been there more..." He started working on an animatronic arm. "... I wish I was there that day..." He conects a hand to it. "... I wish I told Micheal and Elizabeth to stop picking on you more..." He stood up, walking to an endoskeleton and attatching the arm. "... I would have bought you that cat you always wanted... t-the hamster too..." He steps back, looking at the endo skeleton. "... I..." Tears swell up in his eyes. "... I-I wish I could've put you back together..." he slowly sunk down to his knees. "... please... forgive me..."






"I forgive you"

His eyes shot open. The sound was hardly a whistper, to the point he almost didn't hear it. He looks around the room for the source of the noise. No one was with him and nothing had moved. He went to his door, opening it and glancing down either side of the hall. Nothing. He closes the door, trying to understand what had happened... then, he smiles to himself.

Around the corner, Violet stood with her mouth covered, smiling slightly. No one deserved to go through what they had gone through. Violet walks away, hopeful it could make him feel just a bit better about all that had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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