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Charlie was in her dad's office playing with a new toy he made her named Stanley.

Charlie was in her dad's office playing with a new toy he made her named Stanley

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She glances up towards her dad. He was working hard on something, which he normally did. "... Dad...?" She asks. "Yes Charlie?" Her father stops what he was doing to look at her. "What are you gonna make?" She asks, tilting her head to the side. "Oh, something just for you sweetie." He says with a smile. "Something to help keep you and the other kids safe at freddy's." Her dad smiles. "Oh, cool!" She smiles ear to ear. "I'll get you to name it when we're done. Okay?" "Okay!" She went back to playing with her unicorn. Her dad was amazing. Always making things for her and her brother. She spent most of her time in her dad's workshop since his machines always were facinating to her. When she grew up, she would try her hardest to become just like her dad was.

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