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Jen sat at her kitchen table. She had a lighter and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. It would light, so it would work. Jen couldn't completely comprehend that she was going through with this. 1 bad dream or paranormal encounter is one thing but all that has happened to her recently has to be more than a coincidence. She glances at the clock. She still had time before she had to leave. She decides to repack her bag, hiding her new tools at the bottom. Just before leaving, Jen splashed some cold water on her face. She got to her car and drove out, arriving at the now terrifying location. Mentally preparing for the night ahead of her. She got out of her car, taking her bag and making her way up to the building. She walked past the last employees closing up and got to her office, not even getting a slushy. She sat in her chair, waiting for the animatronics to start their hunt for her. Counting down the seconds, she was snapped out of her thoughts by the phone suddenly ringing. She picked it up. "Hey Dave..." She says. "Hello! Uhhh... you alright? I heard about what happened." "Yeah... It wasn't exactly plesant..." She sighs. "I can imagine... W-well I'm just calling to make sure you're going through with this. You really don't have to-" Jen cut him off. "I'm fine, Dave. Thank you. If I turn away... it would be letting the shadow or whatever win. Unfortunatly, I guess I'm just stuborn like that." "Heh. Well ok then. If that's what you want." "Yes. It is." Was all she said. "Alright... g-goodluck Jen!" Jen smiles. "heh... thank you Dave." They hang up. Jen sat back in her chair, pulling up her cameras. She was met with all of them covered in the Slush Squad. She stares for a second, before suddenly, they start disapearing. Froogy had started to grab them with his tongue, before grabbing the camera and eating it. "... this... was p-part of it..."


She closes the door on the Endo. She repeated the prosses until all of the Slush Squad and the cameras were taken out, while also keeping the animatronics at bay. Once Froggy had a full belly, it all stops. Footsteps grow distant until they are no longer heard. Jen sat there, still wondering if she was going to go through with this. Looking through her door the faint light of 2 X's and a smile were all she could see. Grabbing her bag, she walks out of her office, the arcade next to her suddenly turning on. "Good job." The text read. She looks to Shadow Froogy, who stood at the far end of the room, then back to the arcade machine. "You know what to do next." She looks back to Shadow Froogy. The purple figure staring at her. "... b-before I do that... I-I have a q-question..." The text on the arcade changes. "Yes?" "... I..." She chokes on her words for a second. "... p-please... tell me... are all of them... like h-him?... c-c-children...?" It took a moment to respond. "yes" "Right... I'm gonna assume this is not the only resturant like this...?" The text responds. "... no... There are many more..." Jen thinks for a second. "... how can I hep them?... S-save them... Right?" The text then changes. "... all in due time... they are required by law to transfer you to another location... I will be there, in a diffrent form... find me..." The screen shut off. Turning around, Shadow Froogy was gone. Jen slowly took out her rubbing alcahol, making a thin trail to the kitchen. She did the same to the rest of the building, heading back into her office. With the lighter she had, she threw itonto the trail, the liquid combusting. She slams her door shut as instructed, and waited for... well... something to happen. After a minuet, the heat started to seep in. After a while it got so bad, she started to feel her body overheating. After a while more, the heat grew to be unbearable. Only comforted by the faint sound of a siren in the distance. Smoke slowly krept into her room, panic only growing she started to question things. What if that thing was lying. People can't come back from the dead. It's impossible. Was it a lie? Just so they could escape and blame me for all of this? "*cough*... *cough cough*.." Laying on her stomach she tries to stay out of the smoke.


Through the yelling of the firemen outside and the fire, she could hardly hear the ringing sound.


She glances up at the phone. She pulls it off the table, grabbing it. "... he...hello...?" "You need to open the door! They can't get to you! Unlock the door!" The realization set in. Oh. Yeah. She almost forgot about that. The smoke must have made her dizy. She slowly made her way towards the door with everything she had, hardly able to muster the strength to unlock the security lock. She fell to the floor, the last thing she felt was herself being picked up by someone.


Jen stood in the darkness, the smell of birthday cake now much stronger than before. Before her was a table. On top of it, was a giftbox. White wrapping paper with a red ribbon tied into a bow. She pulls the bow away, opening the box. Looking inside, her vision was suddenly filled with a bright light.


With a sharp gasp, Jen shot up in her bed. She was instantly confused, but her thoughts were quickly cut off by someone hugging her very tightly. She let out a faint squeak out of surprise. Glancing down, she saw the one crushing her ribs was May. She places a hand on her head. "I-I-I t-though you d-died! W-w-what the h-hell h-h-happened!?!?" She says with tears swelling up in her eyes. "I..." She thought for a second.

"... I don't remember..."

FNAF: The Expansion AUWhere stories live. Discover now