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It had been a week, where she had healed to mostly her regular self. She and May were now at her house. "You're sure that you're ok? I-I mean I'm glad you're feeling better, but like... you almost died in that fire Jen!" May says, sitting on the couch. "Nah. I wasn't gonna die." Jen says, walking from the kitchen to the couch, holding a cup of coffee. "I'm too hot, God wouldn't end my life THIS soon!" She says in a heavy sarcastic tone. "... was that a pun?" May questioned. Jen thought to herself for a second. "... unintentional, but a welcome one!" She says, crossing her legs. "So anyway, how has your week been? Y'know. Besides the whole, "me escaping a fire" thing?" "Eh. T-The whole "You escaping a fire" thing HAS been my week. I-I don't know what I would do if you died that night!" She says. "... thank you may, but really. I'm fine. My lungs will just be a bit sensitive for a while, then It'll be like nothing even happened." She sips her coffee. "Plus, my next gig is said to be very laid back. A lot less stressful and with less risk of fire. They even got a pool!" "Huh. Really? That's sick!" She says. "heh, yeah it is..." Jen took a moment, remembering why she REALLY wanted to go. "... A-anyway, you sure I can't get you any coffee?" Jen asks. "No, I'm good. Stop trying to change the subject!" May says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I'm not! I'm not!" She giggles. "I just wanted to be sure." She sips her coffee again. "But really though, you should be more careful." May says. "Yeah, I will, I promise." Jen replies with. May gave a soft smile. "Good..."

The next day--

It was Monday, which means it was Jen's first day at her newer job, "Gabby's Game Zone". She checked the place out online and what William said was true. Not a single incident since it was opened. The place was pretty popular, and it seemed like an actually good job. Hopfuly she could keep it for a while before it got "freed" or whatever. But she wasn't worrying about that right now. She pulls into the much larger parking lot. The place was surprisingly packed, the restaurant was yet to close, so there were some people still here. She parks her car, Getting out and locking it behind her. Passing by the many cars she reaches the front of the building. She passes through the glass double doors and spots William inside, talking with an employee. He notices her, waving the person off and approaching her. "Hey Jen! You look great! Feeling better?" He asks. "Y-Yeah. All good over on my end. What about you?" She follows up with. "Ah, yeah. We lost the restaurant, obviously, but it's fine. We can always make another." He says. "Aw, well, ok." We says, trying not to sound suspicious. "Anyway, I'm sure you're ready for the tour, right?" "Yep!" She smiles. "Great." He hands her a map, just as he did the first time.

"So, let's start with Gabby's Room" He says, leading her to the room

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"So, let's start with Gabby's Room" He says, leading her to the room. Kids were running around, climbing and swinging all over play equipment, and off to the side stood an animatronic Goldfish.

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