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After calming down, along with becoming aware of her suroundings, she learned she wasn't in her bed, but a hospital bed. Apparently she had inhaled too much smoke and was rushed here. Acording to the doctors, she was technically dead for 2 and a half minuets before somehow waking up. She now sat there with May sitting next to her in a chair. "I'm just glad you're a-alive." May says. "Me too... that whole thing was insane." The door to the room opens. "Excuse me, but, visiting hours are ending." A nurse says. "Oh, u-uh. right. See you tomorrow!" May hugs Jen one last time before leaving. Jen let out a sigh, laying back in her bed. However, to her surprie, her door opened, and in came William. "Oh. H-hey boss." She says, remembering how she just comited arson on his building. "Hey Jen! Glad to see you're doing alright." He says. "T-thank you sir." "I just came to, well, make sure you aren't dead, but also to ask if you knew what exactlly... happened?" Jen thinks of a lie. "Oh. W-well, my momories still kinda hazy... B-but I remember seeing the... s-shadow..." His expression was surprisingly calm. "... right..." "...I probobaly should have stayed home, hehe..." She says. "Heh. Right. Well Jen, this whole thing is my fault. I'm terribly sorry. But, now that you know about this kinda thing, I was wondering if you'd like to work at another location? A much safer one, of course. Not a single incident of so much as a stubbed toe in the 2 years that place has been opened! Along with that you're going to get medical compensation along with a pay raise." Jen took a second to process everything. "W-woah. T-thank you sir! That sounds amazing!" She says happily. "it's the least I could do... also... erm... try to keep the whole "Shadow" stuff under wraps. Doesn't exactly attract buisness." He says. "My lips are sealed." Jen says without hesitation. "Brilliant. Right, well, I have a... well, burnt building to go deal with, so I'll see you soon." "Alright. Thank you sir." She replied with. "Get well soon." He replies as he leaves, Jen sat there, thinking about all that had happened in the past week. It was insane, to say the least. Well, none of that really mattered now. Jen lays back in bed, letting herself fall back asleep.

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