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Jen pulls into the parking lot. She grabs her bag and walked up to the building. William walked out a second before she got there. "Night 5! Way to go!" He says. "Yeah. It was hard but, I'm here!" She says, shrugging before letting her arms fall to her side. "Well I think I found something good in you Jen. You're the best night guard this restaurant has had in the 5 years this place has been around!" He says, putting some extra effort into his speech. "O-oh. Thank you sir..." Jen says, a little flustered from the compliment. "Hey, it's true. Have a good night Jen!" He says, walking away. "You too!" She says, heading inside and locking the door. She went to her office and sat down. She had the score she was supposed to get written on a piece of paper. 5137. She let out a sigh. She waits around, time slowly passing by. Eventually, the office phone rang. She picks up. "Hey Dave." Jen says. "Hey Jen." Dave replied. "Now that you're nearing the end of your week, this means that I won't be calling you again! So I'm just gonna list off some things you might need to know." He says. "Oh. Ok." Jen says, a bit sad, but also focused on the animatronics.

"So, Let's see. We're working on getting ventilation in your office so it won't be so hot. You can also control it so you can get rid of cuddles, although it's not much of an issue anymore. Next is the Broken White Rabbit! We're gonna fix it and send it to its correct location soon. That will be fun! No more door holding!" Dave continues talking, Jen listening while also dealing with the Mascots. But then she stops. She saw something on the cameras.

The thing stood next to Froogy, then both in the kitchen

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The thing stood next to Froogy, then both in the kitchen. "U-umm... sorry to interrupt Dave. But... there's 2 Frogs." Jen says. "Huh?" Dave was clearly confused. "Next to Froogy is this... purple... almost black duplicate... it's eyes are... glowing white in an X shape... a-and it's mouth is a glowing... almost manic smile..." she says. "... wait... dark purple... oh no. Jen! Ummm... D-do you have anything that can produce a lot of light? A flashlight or something???" He asks. "I have a light. Yes." Jen replied, getting the flashlight out of her bag.

"O-Ok. If that thing gets in your doorway, shine the light at it! Do not stop until it leaves!" Dave's says in a panic. "Dave. What is that thing?" Jen asks, concerned.

"Its, umm... a long story. I'm gonna call William in a minute, he'll explain it. Just know it's dangerous. It can do this... thing... where it like... makes you see and hear things." Dave says. "If you hear or something weird, or something you hold a lot of importance to, don't trust it. It's that thing messing with you!" Dave says quickly. "I'm not sure how, but things like it are known for doing that."

"This... I don't follow." Jen says, really concerned about the situation. "Look, just, Shine the light until it leaves, don't completely trust your ears, especially if it's familiar to you!" Dave says. "Ok. I-" Dave hung up before she could ask any more questions. She sighs, shining the light down the hall. The creature stood there, recoiling from the light. It started to twitch and shake. "...J..E...N...J...H..Y..." the Shadowy Frog blabbed before disappearing. She closes the door since regular Froogy was there, then went back to focus on the other animatronics. She kept them away before seeing the Shadow approaching the door again. She shined her light, it recoiling and twitching again. "...J...E...N...H...E...L...L...O..." it disappeared. She closed the door again, breathing a bit faster. It said her name. It said hello. What was this thing? She opens the door.

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