13. Challenge

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"I will deal with Aegon. I just thought you should know." Aelsa remarked. Alicent huffed out a breath.

" I should have that boy contain to his room as if he needed any encouragement."

" Dress Aemond in green all you want he is a dragon, and that boy wants a dragon more than anything in life." Aelsa countered. "Let me handle Aegon, he likes me better. YOu deal with the king." 

"They made wings for it?" Alicent rasped.

"Yeah. Can I talk to Aegon?" Aelsa questioned already heading to Aegon's chambers.

"Be my guest." Alicent agreed. "He doesnt listen to me anyways."

''They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail.'' Alicent declared.

''The lad shouldn't have been so credulous.'' Viserys told her nonchalantly.

''He's a child." Alicent reminded him

''He thought they'd happened upon some wild unnamed dragon and lured it to the Dragonpit?'' Viserys countered with a laugh.

''Your grandsons are a menace.'' Alicent spat.

''They're more children than he is.'' Viserys assured.

''Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising.'' Alicent muttered swirling her drink in her hand

''Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it?''

''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.''

''And why is that?'' Viserys asked innocently.

''You know why.'' Alicent hissed.

''I'm afraid I don't.''

''Don't!'' Alicent inhaled a tight breath before letting it out ''Viserys.''

Aelsa passed harwin in the hallway and he couldnt meet her gaze not that she was ready for that talk anyways. Aelsa sighed moving down the steps, down the halls, the echoing of congratulations and the dear gods another bastard echoed around the castle still. 

Aelsa wanted to think children were as controllable as the men on the council but they were difficult. THey were spontaneous, the men on the council were predictable. Aegon bullying Aemond, that however was predictable. Making wings for pig, that was less so. inventive though. 

''I have raised this matter before and you forbade me to speak of it, so I held my tongue." Alicent reminded him and Viserys sighed.  ''To have one child like that is a mistake, to have three is an insult, to the throne, to you, to House Velaryon and the match you battled so hard to make for her. Not to mention decency itself.'' Alicent told him stiffly.

''I had a black mare once. Black like a raven.'' Viserys told her calmly.  ''One day, she escaped her pasture and the neighboring stallion sired a foal on her. The stallion was as silver as the moon on a winter's night and the foal, when it was born, chestnut.'' Viserys told her with a chuckle ''Just the most unremarkable brown horse you ever saw. Nature is a thing of mysterious works. ''

'How do you know?" Alicent countered. ''The silver stallion. How do you know it was him? Did you witness the act itself?'' Viserys banged a hand down on the table silencing her, he wouldn't hear this again.

'The consequences of an allegation like the one you toy at would be dire." Viserys said with a deep sigh, his shoulders sagged as he turned away from her. ''Do not speak of this again''.

Aelsa walked in on Aegon pleasuring himself over the balcony, he grunted and groaned happily standing on the ledge ready to come over the streets below when his Aelsa came in.

''Aegon," Aelsa warned. Aegon stumbled back wrapping himself up in his sheets nervously.

"Oh, hey Aels," Aegon said letting the sheet fall from his lap.

"Cover it up honey, no one wants to see your little pecker." Aelsa corrected. he tensed pulling his sheets back around him. "Why must you always torment your brother?"

"I don't know." He mumbled.

"Aegon," Aelsa demanded. ''The pig. Was it your plot?' Aegon shrugged. 

''No... it was Jace and... uh... it-it was the two of them. I couldn't be sure.'' Aegon offered still anxiously covering himself. He fisted his hands in his lap. "Little? Are you sure you got a good look at it?" 

"Aegon focus." Aelsa demanded. Aegon grumbled. ''Aemond is your brother.''

''Well, he's a twat.'' Aegon countered without missing a beat. 

''You are family. You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world... we must defend our own.'' Aelsa reminded him. 

''It was funny.'' Aegon admitted with a laugh.

''Do you think Rhaenyra's sons will be your playthings forever? As things stand... Rhaenyra will ascend the throne and Jacaerys Targaryen will be her heir.'' Aelsa reminded him.

''So?'' Aegon questioned.

"Aegon honey you can't be so daft can you?" Aelsa questioned. 

"What?" Aegon questioned again. 

"'You are nearly a man grown. How is it that you can be so shortsighted?" Aelsa questioned running a hand over his back.  "If Rhaenyra comes into power... your very life could be forfeit. Aemond's as well. She could move to cut off any challenge to her succession.'' Aelsa reminded him gently. "And I like your horny self living." Aegon chuckled. "Baby boy," Aelsa coed.

''Then I won't challenge...'' Aegon began.

''You are the challenge.'' Aelsa corrected. "Go to lessons with Aemond and Ollivander once in a while." Aelsa suggested.  "You will see what happens to men that threaten the crown just by breathing." 

"I dont understand." Aegon countered. 

''You are the challenge, Aegon! Simply by living and breathing! You are the King's firstborn son... and what they know, what everyone in the realm knows in their blood and in their bones... is that one day, you will be our King.'' 

"I dont want to be king." Aegon admitted. "Father doesnt want me to be king either." 

"The realms so though. Your mother does.'' Aelsa corrected. 

"My mother doesnt care about me, doesnt love me.'' Aegon countered. 

"She does. She just doesnt know how to show it." Aelsa offered. "Get dressed honey."

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now