18. Eye for an Eye

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"I would say I'm surprised to get your raven, dark wings usually have dark words within but opening that raven was quite wonderful." Otto remarked. 

"I'm glad you accepted. I know its not hand but Viserys is right. I like my title and dont want to go back to being a CO." Aelsa mused. 

"You look good being in charge." Otto agreed. "How is your brother?"

"He's good." Aelsa answered. "He stayed at home."

"I heard about Rhaenyra's lover being sent away." Otto added. "Your husband must seem like the golden one in the strong household." 

"He is." Aelsa agreed. The word husband stuck on Otto's tongue, like a bad taste, sour and bitter to swallow. "He is a good father, Ollivander and Larys are always studying together... I need to see if Criston is willing to continue Atticus training, Harwin was working with him..."

"And the littlest?" Otto questioned. 


"Lila," Otto repeated. "Shes precious." 

"Yes she is." Aelsa agreed looking to the moon high in the sky. "It's late." she realized but her feet didnt move. "People will start to think such scandalous things if we are out this late... alone... together." Otto chuckled meeting her green eyed gaze. 

"We could give them something to talk about." Otto half mused. 

"I dont think my husband would much like that." Aelsa countered. "We will talk in the morning, you can properly meet Atticus and Lila and... and see Ollivander at work at the capital. He really is the smartest boy." Aelsa assured. "He wanted to be master of coin all by himself. SO he is going to wait for you to croak and take the job for himself." Otto laughed out. "Sound familiar?" 

"Baelon." Otto admitted. "I was at the right place at the right time." He agreed. 

"Good night Otto." 

"Let me walk you back." Otto countered offering her his arm. She took it and they walked in silence until little footsteps pulled Aelsa's attention. 

"Mama, Mama, Mama!" Lila declared.

"It is late honey, go back to bed." Aelsa requested. SHe pulled away from Otto and picked LIla up. "Goodnight Otto." Aelsa pushed open her door and Larys was waiting up by the fire for her. "You have a bad dream?" 

"No, I was trying to fall asleep." Lila informed them. "But those girls were shouting-"

"What girls?" Larys questioned.

"And Jace and Luke were grumbling." Lila went on.

"What?" Aelsa questioned running a hand over her head rubbing at the tension in her neck.

''How could you allow such a thing to happen? I will have answers.'' Viserys demanded as a maester tended to Aemond

''The princes were supposed to be abed, My King.'' Harrold told him

''Who had the watch?'' Viserys spat

''Young prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace.'' Criston reminded him.

''You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!'' Viserys shouted in outrage.

''I'm very sorry, Your Grace.'' Harrold told him.

''The Kings guard has never had to defend princes from princes, Your Grace.'' Criston remarked.

''That is no answer!'' Viserys spat.

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now