40. Tell Me

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''Prince Aegon's not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace." Criston informed Alicent. "Your father has sent Ser Erryk into the city to find him. Ser Erryk knows Aegon. He has the advantage." Criston remarked and Alicent nodded.

"I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty." Alicent told him and Criston nodded. "Aegon must be found, and he must be brought to me. The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it." Alicnet instructed. Criston nodded. ''Everything you feel for me... as your Queen." Alicent whispered bringing her face closer to his.

''I will not fail you.'' Criston assured.

"I'll come with you." Aemond said getting up.

''That would not be my desire, Aemond.'' Alicent told him honestly. ''If anything has happened...''

''Cole needs me, Mother. Ser Erryk isn't the only one who knows Aegon's doings.'' Aemond reminded her.

"Thank you all for coming." Aelsa declared. "I know this is a new and challenging time. I grieve Viserys. He was my friend for many years and I was his. I was also his trusted, most trusted advisor. So when I tell you that iserys amended his wishes. It's as simple as that." Aelsa sat on the iron throne. ''You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra. You must now pledge them to the future king." Aelsa instructed the great houses of westeros. "I would not lie to you, I have no stake in this. I just want what Viserys wanted. FOr his son to reign."

''I must confer first with my house on this matter.''

''You'll not leave this room without declaring your intention.'' Aelsa corrected calmly.

''I am no oath breaker... I will not bend the knee.'' Aelsa chuckled. 

"Who broke an oath? When Rhaenyra had three bastards with another man. Claimed them to be velayron. Who broke a vow and an oath to her husband? When Daemon's wife died and suddenly Rhaenyra's husband was murderer... who broke an oath so they could wed, but not only an oath they broke  Corlys and Rhaenys hearts." Aelsa declared. "They killed an innocent man because they wanted to rig the game for their choosing."

Aelsa looked around as she rose up. Larys smiled at her from the back of the room. 

"Tell me, who would you rather sit the throne? A young man that has been training and studying under viserys and the capital's tutelage or someone that fled? SOmeone that thought the world owed her everything so she took and took and took and killed whoever got in her way." Aelsa pondered. "Think about it, really think about it. I am not a violent woman. Rhaenyra and Daemon have proven time and time again to be violent creatures. Viserys was peaceful, he saw his daughter for who she truly was... what do you see?"

" House Fell... bends the knee to Prince Aegon." Lord Fell declared.

''Smart choice.'' Aelsa agreed. "And we thank you." Everyone else fell to their knees.

''Long live the King.''

'' Long live the King.' They echoed.

''It seems you were mistaken as to Aegon's habits." Criston remarked as they walked

"He could be in the hands of mercenaries, on a ship to Yi Ti. He could be dead." Aemond offered nonchalantly.

" Let us hope, for your mother's sake, that is not the case." Criston offered kindly. 

''Here I am, trawling the city, ever the good soldier in search of a wastrel who's never taken half an interest in his birthright." Aemond remarked as they walked. 'Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy, it is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is I who should be..." Aemond went on but Criston stopped walking staring back at him

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now