7. Brotherly Bonding

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Eyes open / Ned Stark / Oberyn Martell out now!
Shameless / Sandor Clegane out now!

Aegon still loved Aelsa. Aelsa had been like a mother to him for a while. That crucial bonding. That he would've gotten from his actual mother, if she wasn't so terrified, have been transferred to Aelsa.

She loved him. He was like her fourth child.  Aegon had an irrational crush on Aelsa. Everyone knew it. Aelsa brushed it off as a more of a motherly love. She had helped raise him. He was devoted to her. And he listen to her. But he had no inclinations of being king one day.

Otto would have been furious. Aelsa told Aegon he could sit in on council meetings, like her sons did. Aegon never seem too thrilled with the idea. She knew which dress she had to wear to get him to agree. She knew how to play the game and she played it well.

Aegon make sure he found her every day and gave her a hug. Aelsa -maybe she was being greedy- but she didn't mind. She liked that he loved her. Thought of her as family. 

"Hi honey," aelsa coed as she wrapped her arms around him. He rest of his head on her breast snuggling into her.

"Hi Aelsa," aegon tried, oh he tried to sound as sexy and confident as a 10 and three year old could muster. she stroked a hand over his hair, his very silver hair. He smiled into her.

"You have lessons with Olli this morning?"

"Yeah. Hes not bad." Aegon offered.

"Thank you im proud of him." Alesa agreed.

"You want to come and watch me train?" Aegon questioned nonchalantly. But aelsa knew that tone that needy and desperate tone of his voice.

"I have a few things to get done but after i will most definitely come and see my boys train." Aelsa agreed.

"Cool, cool... when you have a moment." Aegon agreed.

"Go on honey. I will see you later. I promise."

"Boys still smitten with you I see." Viserys chuckled seeing aegon walk off.

"Of course he is. Im wonderful." Aelsa agreed

"after aegon was born when otto was still here, you spent so much time aegon." Viserys recalled. "I dont know that I ever thanked you properly for it."

" what is there to thank?" Aelsa countered. " I love your boy, like he's my own."

" you are such a big help you still are you always will be. I just yes wanted to thank you again. I see how having you in his life affected him. I don't know how he would've turned out if you weren't there." Viserys remarked.

" well lucky for you. I am always going to be here so you never have to find out what a dreary life it would be without me."  Aelsa assured. " no come on my dear-" she patted a hand against his chest. " we have work to do."

Aelsa had to go to town and pick up larys name day present. Harwin ever the dutiful knight offered to go with her. 

"You didnt have to come with, I can handle myself." She assured. Aelsa had her sights set on Harwin for about a fortnight when she first got the palace and thought she would have to deal with loving Viserys the rest of her life and might need a lover but her plans changed and her focus changed and Harwin wasnt as appealing as he used to be to her. 

"You are my sister, it would be rude. Besides I feel like Larys keeps you hidden from me." Harwin offered. 

"I am particular of who I spent my time with," Aelsa corrected. Harwin nodded slowly, his lips twisted as they walked. Aelsa sighed, he was trying to make an effort and Aelsa didnt need to make things harder on him but it was clear Larys didnt like his brother so Aelsa felt obligated as Larys wife to dislike Harwin as well. "Alaric used to want to be a knight." 

"Your brother is a good man... but I dont think he will ever be a knight." Harwin countered. "His... condition would make it hard for him."

"Can you train him anyways?" Aelsa questioned. "Just some basics." Harwin gave her a side eyed glance. "I know he wont be a knight but he is my brother and I want him to be happy and you steal the show just by breathing so might as well put your looks and skills to work." Aelsa informed him bluntly. 

"Alaric wants to find a wife." Harwin realized. 

"Your father wants you to find a bride as well. One that isnt the princess." Aelsa agreed. 

"I dont know what you mean." Harwin countered. 

"Sure you dont." Aelsa agreed. "I put up with your and Rhaenyra's bullshit because I'm the hand and not the king." Aelsa informed him. "Know that if Viserys takes a step back, I am in charge and I'm putting an end to your bullshit." 

"How?" Harwin countered. 

"You dont even try to deny it?" Aelsa mused. 

"You clearly know everything already." Harwin offered. 

"I do." Aelsa agreed. "Thank you for noticing." Aelsa turned to the smith and trilled her fingers over the wooden beam of their hut. "You have something for me?" Aelsa questioned. 

"Yes my lady hand." The boy ran off and came back a moment later with Larys gift. 

"And the other bit?" Aelsa questioned blocking Harwin's view. 

"Just twist." He agreed. Aelsa took it from the smith and a smirk crossed her lips. 

"Perfect. I would like a second one made, just like this but with a lion head please." Aelsa remarked putting some coin down. "Lovely work."

"Thank you my lady." 

"Come on harwin, you want to walk me home too or do you need to get back to the princess?" 

"Harwin walked you home?" Larys questioned closing the door behind Aelsa. 

"Yes, well I manipulated him into it." Aelsa agreed kissing his cheek. "Hi honey." 

"Hi... Harwin?"  Larys countered. 

"Yeah, I know he was trying to do some brotherly bonding but-" she held out his present. "I know I"m early but I picked it up today and I am so excited for you to see it." Larys stared down at the new cane. 

"It's beautiful." Larys remarked taking it from her. 

"Where's my cane Aels?" Alaric questioned coming in with Lila on his back. 

"Is it your name day?" Aelsa countered. 

"This is a nice handle." Larys added, his fingers wrapping around it. 

"There is more to it." Aelsa added as larys tested it out. "Give the handle a little twist," She whispered in his head. Larys brow furrowed confused. "Twist," Aelsa twisted it and it came undone. 

"What..." Larys pulled it free revealing a blade. "Aelsa..." his smile grew as he looked to her. 

"Happy almost name day." She purred kissing him. 

"Wicked." Alaric remarked as Larys revealed the hidden knife in the handle of his cane. "Aelsa, why don't you get me cool shit like that?"

"Because you are a child in my eyes forever and shouldn't have easy access to a blade." Aelsa answered

"I'm 22. I'm not a child." Alaric corrected. 

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now