Chapter 3

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"Hey! Uh... can I partner with you. The mutant scares me" Ashley said. Silver looked at CJ in the back and then looked at Ashley. "Rightfully so. Come on" she said.

Ashley stared at the ceiling in deep thought. "Dude, I can feel your emotions and its keeping me from sleeping. Whats going on?" Silver groaned, sitting up to look at Ashley. "Im sorry. Im just worried" she said. "About what? The shell? Dakota will be fine" Silver said. "No. I know she will. Im worried about when this is over. I didnt tell my mother I was doing this. When she finds out, she'll probably send me to the Bermuda Triangle" Ashley said. "Mother? How old are you?" Silver said confused. "Nineteen? Hey, its not like you're innocent! How old are you?" Ashley snapped back. Silvers eyebrows shot up. "Exactly" Ashley said. "If she tries to send you to that stupid triangle, I will get you out" Silver said. "Why?" Ashley asked. Silver hesitated. "Ive been tasked with keeping you all safe. And I was not given a time frame. So as far as Im concerned, Im responsible for you until you die" Silver said. Ashley stared at her for a moment. Her eyes shined brightly and her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders. She looked angelic even though shes just sitting in a slouch. "I wouldn't mind being with you till I die" Ashley said. She put her hand over her mouth. "Im so sorry" Ashley said. Silver looked down. "You know, I stopped to coming to earth a long time ago. I couldn't handle the way the mortals treated me" she said. "What? Why?" Ashley said. "They were kind, and they would shower me with words of affection. But... the flattery got to my head, and I guess I forgot how selfish you all could be. I realized that no mortal, not even the ones you think are good, will actually like a god for who they are. In fact, when they arent perfect, they whip out the pitchforks and torches" Silver said. Ashleys eyes softened. "Did that happen to you?" She asked. Silver glanced at her. "Yes" she said. "Silver I dont care that you're a goddess. To me you're just beautiful, and I wanna spend time with you." Ashley said. Silver raised an eyebrow. "I may like you. I may not. We'll see. I can promise right now though. There will be no pitchforks and torches" Ashley said. Silver grinned. "Thanks. And just so you know, I think you're more beautiful then Aphrodite" Silver said. Ashley went stiff as her face became flushed. "Goodnight" Silver said turning away. Ashley sat in shock. Shes just gonna say that and then run off to sleep? One thing is for sure though, Silver definitely has some sort of feeling for her, and Ashley was way too aware of it. "Goodnight" she replied.

Ashley came out of the tent. "Why are you here?" She asked CJ confused. "Figured Id stay up to scare you. Since you're afraid of me" CJ smirked. "You heard that?" Ashley asks. "I hear everything. These ears arent fake" CJ said pointing to her head. "Could've fooled me" Blade said coming out. CJ turned to her. "Last time I checked, you arent the human. Did the furry take pity on her?" Blade asked. CJ growled. "Oh relax, Im just gonna wake her up" Blade said with a smirk. She went over to Crystals tent and CJ bolted up to block her. "Hey! What the fuck!" Blade said. "Dont you come near her demon scum!" CJ growled. "Aw, the puppy has a crush on a human" Blade said in a baby voice. CJ growled. "What did you just call me?" Randy asked. "Not you. You're the wolf. Shes the puppy" blade said. Randy looked CJ up and down. "Yeah you got that right" she said. "Whats that supposed to mean?!" CJ snapped. "It means you're small!" Randy said. "Im taller than you asshole!" CJ said pouncing at Randy. Crystl came out of the tent and just stared at the two beating each other up. Blade and Crystal looked at each other, and then them. "Well they took all the fun out of it" Blade said. "I heard" Crystal said looking at Blade. She shrugged and Crystal went over to the two fighting. She pried CJ off of Randy. "Stop it! We have shit to do!" Crystal said. Dakota grabbed Randy before she could do anything else. "You think this is gonna happen every morning?" Nova asked Jax. Jax looked at her and then them. "Probably" she said. "Are we going? Or what?" Leah asked. "Yeah, this way" Crystal said.

They walked along the now rocky and sandy ground. The ocean splashed against the shore. "Do you live near here?" Randy asked. "No" Ashley said. "Are you ok? You look stiff" Jax said. "Mhmm. Its just... theres guards out there. I dont have a permit to be on land. If I get caught... " Ashley trailed off. "You need a permit to be on land?" Crystal asked. "Yeah. Especially since Im still a teenager" Ashley said. They all stopped and looked at her. "Im nineteen. Relax" Ashley said. "Damn, Im twenty six! You must be the youngest" Randy said. "Probably" Ashley said. "What do you mean by guards?" Nova asked. "Well, from what I understand, all the sea kingdoms send a guard to protect the entrance to Sirens Cave." Ashley said. "Is that what this says? I couldn't read the sloppy hand writing. I could barely make out the word Cave" Crystal said looking at the map. A few of them chuckled. "Whats this cave look like?" Nova asked. "It just looks like a big black rock" Crystal said. "I have no idea what it looks like" Ashley said. Nova squinted and looked around them. "I dont see anything like it for miles." Nova said. "The map says we're close" Crystal said. "Oh no" Ashley said looking at the water. Nova looked at her, and then to the water. She squinted and her vision zoomed in. "Oh no indeed. Its underwater. Dakota, can you breathe down there?" Nova asked. "No, but I can shapeshift" Dakota said. "I have to lead you down there, dont I?" Ashley asked. "Jump in fish. We aint got all day" Blade said. Ashley glared at her and sighed. She took off her shoes and started running towards the water. Her feet splatted against the wet sand and soon enough, she dove into the water. Silver watched closely, waiting for her to resurface. Ashleys torso popped out of the water. Silvers eyes widened seeing her in only a bra, and she blushed a little. "Lets go!" Ashley yelled. "I hope I remember how to do this" Dakota said. She ran to the water and jumped up into the air. She transformed into a shark and landed in the water. She circled around Ashley, waiting for her to go. "Wish us luck!" Ashley said said diving back under. Her tail came up and splashed the water as she swam away. "So what do we do now?" CJ asked. "We wait" Randy said. Blade looked over at Silver, who still looks star struck. "Dont tell me you're falling for the fish" Blade said. Silver snapped out of it and glared at Blade. "Oh trust me, I wont tell you" Silver said. Blade rolled her eyes.

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