Chapter 15

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Silver finished healing Blade. "What do we do now?" Jax asked. "I dont know anyone else that isnt going to attack me" Blade said. "Are all your friends toxic?" Leah asked. "I dont have friends. I had Ember and all of her friends" Blade said. "Its ok. I have someone we can go too" Silver said. "What? Who?" Jax asked. "I forgot about her honestly. Hades successor lives down here. She can help us. Unlike you, I have friends who wont try to kill us" Silver said. "Hades has a daughter?" Leah said shocked. "I said successor. Not daughter. Although she does have his blue fire hair." Silver said. "Ok, so lead the way babe!" Ashley said. They all looked at her shocked. Ashley blushed. "I said that out loud" she said looking down. Silver chuckled. "Lets go" she said.

The group walked into some sort of temple. Blue fire torches lit the hall as they walked into the biggest chamber. "Mel! You home?" Silver yelled. Her voice echoed through the chamber. The group heard loud barking in the distance and then someone running. A girl with, long blue hair ran in from the back and tripped on her own feet. She hit the floor and groaned. "Im gonna kill that dog!" She groaned, and her hair went a blaze. "Woah. Shes hot" CJ said. Crystal elbowed her in the stomach. "Ow! Sorry" CJ said. Silver walked to Mel and helped her up. "Cerberus being an ass again?" She asked. "Yeah. Nice to see you Sil. What brings you to the under world?" Mel asked. Silver pointed behind her with her thumb. "Oh yeah! I forgot you got chosen for that dumb test" Mel said. Silver shrugged. "We need to get the devils pitchfork. Do you know how we can do that?" She asked. "Yeah. Only a human can get it" Mel said. The group was shocked. "Why?" Silver asked. "Not sure. Theres some long mysterious story to it, but I didnt pay attention in history" Mel said. "I know you didnt. I did your homework, and I wasnt even in your grade!" Silver said. Mel shrugged. "Are there any consequences or is it that simple?" Silver asked. "As far as I know, thats it" Mel said. "Great. Thanks. Ill see ya" Silver said. "Bye Sil." Mel said. Silver walked back to the group. "That was really easy" Leah said. Silver shrugged. "Lets go get that pitchfork" she said.

"Wow. It really was that easy" Crystal said walking back to the group. She spun the pitchfork in her hand, admiring it. "Does this mean we can get out of hell now?" Jax asked. "Nope" Leah said. "What? Why?" Blade asked. "Cause I know for a fact, that the angels artifact is down here too" Leah said. "How is that possible?" Blade asked. "Because Ill bet a million dollars right now that my artifact is Lucifers Halo" Leah said. Crystal opened the map. "Yep" she said. "Where is that?" Jax asked. "Lucifer has it. Its said that he'll give it to someone who he thinks is worthy of it" Blade said. "And thats supposed to be one of us?" Jax asked. "No. Its supposed to be me. Its a halo for a demon. Thats why its down here" Blade said. "You're gonna do great Blade. Whatever he throws at you, you can handle it" Leah said. "Thanks, but I cant even handle my own abusive fiance. I definitely cant handle the ruler of the demons." Blade said. "I thought Lucifer was the ruler of hell" Crystal said. Blade shook her head. "He rules over the demons. Melanie, the goddess Silver took us too, is the queen of Hell" Blade said. "Regardless, if you were chosen for this mission then you must have what it takes" Leah said. Blade sighed. "Ill give it a shot, but I doubt it" she said.

"Lucifer has an office? I didnt take him for a business man" Jax asked. "Why are you so interested in this?" Blade asked turning to her. "Ive been living on earth for three years. Im trying to learn how you people live" Jax said. "Well we're not on earth. We're in Hell, and he's more crook then business man" Blade said. The group walked into the large building in front of them. Blade walked up to the demon at the front desk. He sat there, head in hand, scribbling on a small paper. "We're here to see Lucifer" she said. "Do you have an appointment?" The man asked, not looking at her. "Im going to do the Halo Quest" Blade said. The man side-eyed her and looked her up and down looking unconvinced. He looked back to the paper he was scribbling on. "Go on up. Knock before you go in" he said. The group went to the elevator.

Blade stood stiff in front of the door. "You ok?" Leah asked. Blade took a deep breath. "Yeah" she said. She knocked and shortly after came a dark low voice. "Come in" he said. Blade opened the door and they went in. Blade bowed. "Its an honor to meet you sir" she said. Lucifer sat, feet up on the desk, bright red horns and tail, with black feathered wings. His hands were clasped together and he studied Blade in front of him. "I assume you need my halo for your test." He said. "Yes sir" Blade said. "See, I knew that, because a demon of your stature has never, and I mean never even tried to get my halo" he said. "What do you mean, a demon of my stature?" Blade asked. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "A powerless demon. An original demon. Honestly, I thought there werent any of you left" he said. "What must I do sir?" Blade asked. Lucifer smiled evilly and took his feet off the desk. "You must decide what means more to you. Now, I like to think that demons are more than people think. I like to think that they indeed can feel more emotion than anger, lust, and... well whatever else. So, my test for you, is really more to prove yourself" he said. Blade looked at him confused. "I dont understand" she said. Lucifer snapped his fingers and the wall behind him dissapeared. "You must choose what you want more." He said. He snapped again and his halo appeared, floating in the air outside. "Whats the other option?" Blade asked. Lucifer smirked. He threw out his hand and Leah began choking. She was hurled out the side and held up in the air. She clawed at her neck, but nothing was there and she was losing breath. "What will you choose?" Lucifer asked. "Leah!" Blade didnt hesitate to jump off the building and onto Leah. They suddenly dropped and Leah passed out. Blade held onto her tightly.

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