Chapter 27

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The girls continued through the tunnel and Silver got more and more anxious. "Sil, you gotta tell me whats wrong" Ashley said. "Nothings wrong" Silver lied. "You're a horrible liar" Ashley said. Silver looked at her. She sighed. "I cant remember the spell that calls for these items. Its worrying me" She said. "Why? Isnt it supposed to fix the world?" Ashley asked. "Thats whats confusing me. Gods arent supposed to medel in earthly affairs anymore. Its already caused enough havoc" Silver said. "Well, it cant cause havoc if its supposed to fix stuff right?" Ashley asked. "Thats another thing. The world cant be fixed. If it could, itd be done already. Theres always gonna be bad things. Theres nothing even a god could do about it. Its not up to us" Silver said. "So then whats the spell for?" Ashley asked. Silver shrugged. "I dont know" She said.

"The map takes us to a big cavern with your artifact in it" Crystal said. "Whats it called?" Silver asked. "Im trying to figure that out. You really need to have a talk with whoever wrote this map. Their handwriting is ass" Crystal said. "Yeah Ill get on that" Silver said sarcastically. "You know, if you're bothered so much by this spell, why dont you ask us about it?" Blade asked. "Why would that help? I doubt you know spells" Silver said. "I do. Someone was always obsessed with them" Crystal said still studying the mysterious hand writing. They all looked at her but she didnt notice. "See now Im glad I didnt kill her" Blade said. "Did you ever see her cast a spell? Like put it together?" Silver asked. "Yeah. Several times. We almost destroyed my dads work. Why do you think he hates me?" Crystal said. "I cant remember what this spell is. I knew all of your artifacts sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it until now. I have an idea of what this spell might be but Im not sure. I dont think its a good spell" Silver said. "What do you mean?" Blade asked. "I mean, I think its gonna do a lot of harm" Silver said. "Well if our artifacts are the ingredients, then lets look over them." Blade said. "Ok. Go in order of who we got first" Silver said. "I have the Shell of Souls" Dakota said. "I have the Power Ring" Leah said. Blade perked up and looked at her. "Is that how you've been casting those spells? I knew Id never seen an angel be so powerful" Blade said. "I guess. To be honest, it kinda shocked me too" Leah said. "I have the Bloodthirst Fang" Randy said. "This stupid Coin of Greed has been stabbing my side for so long now." Ashley said. "Well then feel glad you dont actually have legs" Silver said. "Do I really need to remind you or is the giant pitchfork Ive been struggling to carry around, enough of a reminder" Crystal said. "Yeah and I think seeing a demon with a halo is a sight that youll remember forever" Blade said. "I have the Persons Paw" CJ said, pulling the necklace out of her shirt. "I have the Feeding Crystal" Nova said, taking it out of her pocket. "Hey Jax, does that thing make you drool?" Blade asked. Jax flicked her off. "No. Its a stone. Why would I drool over a stone? I dont actually eat the crystal" Jax said. Nova waved the jem in Jaxs face. Jax swatted it away. "Get that out of my face. What are you doing?" She asked. "I wanted to see if it affected you" Nova asked. Jax rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I have the Mutanix" she said. "Only some of those sound familiar. In the spell though, they're worded differently. I just need to remember the wording" Silver said. "Well remember faster. We're coming up on your artifact" Crystal said.

They walked into the cavern at the end of the tunnel. The only thing in it was a small bright ball of magic. It lit the entire room. "What is that?" Blade asked. "I think Im starting to read this word. Hold on, give me a second" Crystal said squinting at the map. Silver walked up to the ball, trying to figure out what exactly it was. "All I can make out is the word Immortal" Crystal said. That was all Silver needed. She turned back to the group, and her eyes widened as she realized. "Oh no" she said. "What is it?" Ashley asked. "An Immortal Life. Thats the last ingredient" Silver said. "What?!" They all said. Silver started to name all the ingredients. "A nobodys soul, with a glimpse of power, the bloodthirst fang, with the greedy mans treasure, stir with the devil and add a piece of himself, add the persons paw, and a piece of another world, an unearthly transformation, and an Immortal Life" Silver said. "That is the most unpleasant sounding spell ever. Why doesnt it rhyme?" Blade asked. "Thats not the spell! Thats just the instructions!" Silver said. "So if you touch that thing, youll die?" Ashley asked. Silver looked at her. "Yes." She said. Ashleys eyes widened. "But I wont touch it. Im afraid we've done this all for nothing. Aphrodite didnt send us on this mission. We were tricked" Silver said. "Why do you say that?" Leah asked. "Thats not one of her spells." Silver said. She snatched the map from Crystal and waved her hand over it. It glowed red. "This was given to us by Ares. He's trying to send the whole damn universe to war!" Silver said. "So what do we do?" Crystal asked. Silver opened a portal. "Come on" she said.

They all went through and came back to the Summer Field. "Why are we here?" Ashley asked. "Because we're done. Im going home to yell at Ares, and I suggest you all go back to your lives cause this has been a colossal waste of our time!" Silver said. The girls didnt listen to her. They just stared behind her. Silver noticed and turned around. The man that stood there was unknown to the others, but it was made clear who he was when Silver pounced at him. "You dick!" She yelled. Ares held her in the air with his magic. "Chill. This has nothing to do with me or with your friends. It was for you Silver" he said. "What?" She asked. "I dont want the universe at war. Well... I do but Ive been banned from trying. I did this because it was a test for you." He said. "Thats not fair to them!" Silver said. Ares looked to the girls and then back at Silver. "Thats true but I dont really care. Silver, by taking them through this test and outsmarting my spell, you have finished your training. Silver you are officially a full fledged Goddess" he said. Silver looked so unamused that it wasnt even funny. "Bitch, put me down" she snapped. He dropped her. She marched up to him and punched him in the face. "Yeah I deserve that. Ok bye" he said leaving through a portal. Ashley ran up to Silver and hugged her. "Im so proud of you" she said. Silver smiled and hugged her. "Im sorry guys" she said. "Why? This has been great!" CJ said. "Really?" Silver asked. "Yeah!" They all said. "Our lives were shit before but now we have eachother. We're happy" Leah said. Silver smiled. "We definitely have the weirdest friend group of all time" she said. They laughed. "We definitely do" Blade said.

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