Chapter 7

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"So what's next human?" Blade asked. "The bloodthirst fang" Crystal read. Silver looked at her confused. That name sounded familiar, but she shrugged it off. "Do I even have to say that's mine?" Dakota asked. "Do you know anything about it?" Randy asked. "No. I never paid attention to stuff like that" Dakota said. "Seeing how the others required some sort of specific conditions, I'm sure this one will too. We're gonna have to find out the catch before we go get it" Ashley said. "How are we gonna do that? It's not like we have cell service out here" Randy said. They all looked at Silver. She scratched her neck looking unfazed. "I don't know it, so don't ask. I do know that all of the artifacts have a catch though. It's not just these three" Silver said. "Great. What now?" Nova said. "We'll have to go off course to my town. I'm sure someone will know about it" Dakota said. "I can find a way. What's your town called?" Crystal asked. Dakota looked at Crystal and then looked concerned. "What?" Crystal asked. "We might have to hold a perimeter around you. Not all vampires are as reasonable as I am" Dakota said. Crystals eyes widened. "Don't worry Crystal. You'll be fine" CJ said. "Anyway, I live in Biters Bay" Dakota said. "Ha! Creative naming" Blade said sarcastically. "I know it's stupid. Better then when it used to be Bat Bay though" Dakota said. "Ha! Bat Bay. That's great" Blade said. "Anyway, shall we go?" Nova asked. "Yeah. It looks like quickest route is this way" Crystal said.

"You live here?" Blade asked. "Yeah why?" Dakota asked. Blade looked around at the nice small town and then looked back at Dakota. "Not all of us are the same ok?" Dakota said. "Mhmm" Blade hummed. The group walked to Dakotas house and they went in. "Kaden!" Dakota yelled. There was a loud thud as a reply that sent Dakota running to her kids room. She opened the door and found her brother tied up on the floor, wiggling around like crazy. "Dont let the prisoner escape!" A small girl said. "Layla" Dakota said. The child looked over and shrieked. "Mom! Um... hi" she said. The others walked up behind Dakota and Layla fell backwards in fear. "Untie your uncle" Dakota said. Layla couldn't move, she was so scared. "I cant" another small voice said. Dakota looked over. "You got her into this too?" Dakota asked. "It was Liams idea!" Layla said. "Liam is two!" Dakota said. "He's developing early" Layla said. "You dont even know what that means" Dakota said untying her brother. "You tied a nice knot though. Good job" Dakota said holding out her hand. Layla high-fived her. "Dont reward her!" Kaden said. "Anyway, I need your help" Dakota said looking to Kaden. He looked between Dakota and the rest of the group. "Ok" he said.

"Do you know anything about the bloodthirst fang?" Dakota asked. "The fuck is that?" Kaden asked. "Language" Dakota growled. "Sorry. No I dont" Kaden said. "Its enchanted" a small voice said. They all looked down at Layla. "We learned about it in class. Only a werewolf can get it. The legend says that it was the biggest vampire fang ever! But that the guy who had it didnt have any taste for blood" Layla said. "Why can only a werewolf get it?" Dakota asked. "Only someone who spills as much blood as we drink can get it" Layla said. Dakota looked at Randy. "Why are you looking at me like Im a cannibal? I hunt animals! Not people" Randy said. Dakota looked back to her daughter. "Thank you Layla" she said. Layla hugged her moms leg. Dakota picked her up. Dakota looked to the group and signaled them to go. "Lets wait outside" Randy said. The group left and Dakota looked back to Layla. "Do you have to leave again?" Layla asked. "Yeah, but Ill be back. I promise" Dakota said. "But mom! I dont want you to go" Layla said putting her head on her shoulder. "I know." Dakota said hugging her. Kaden walked up and took Layla. "Ill see you soon. Tell the other kids I love them." Dakota said. Kaden nodded. "Dakota!" Randy screamed. The three vampires looked to the door in shock. "I gotta go" Dakota said running outside.

She ran out to the group. "What is it?" Dakota panted. Randy pointed up. A swarm of bats was tossing Crystal around like a ball. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Dakota said. "How are we gonna get her down?" Jax asked. Dakota looked at Leah. "I already tried. They overwhelm my wings. I cant get close enough" Leah said. Nova squinted at the swarm. "I can distract them. Someone has to catch Crystal" Nova said. "Im on it" CJ said. "And what are you gonna do? X-ray the bats?" Blade asked. Nova rolled her eyes. She cupped her hands around her mouth and screeched. It came out in a very long, very loud, shrill tone. "Super voice?! Are you kidding me?!" Blade yelled covering her ears. Everyone else did the same. The bats scattered and dropped Crystal. CJ ran in, and jumped up to catch her. Nova stopped the noise. "Using their echlocation against them? Thats smart!" Jax said. Nova smiled. "Thanks" she said. "Guys!" CJ said in terror. They ran to her. Crystals eyes are barely open, her jaw is dropped a little, and her body is limp. Dakota got up to her. "Shes been bitten." Dakota said shocked. "What does that mean?" CJ asked. "Is she gonna turn into a vampire?" Jax asked. "No thats a myth. I cant exactly tell, but if shes had enough blood taken, she can die. Otherwise, she's gonna be weak for a while." Dakota said. "How do we tell?" CJ said. Novas eyes glowed green and she looked over Crystals body. "Shes lost too much." Nova said in shock. "What do we do?" CJ said in a panic. "Back up!" Silver said. "Oh now you can use your powers?" Blade asked. "I can use my powers to heal. Its my main ability" Silver said. "How can you possibly heal that?" Dakota asked. "Im a god! I could resurrect the dead if I wanted too! I wont cause then Id get sent to prison, but I could" Silver said. "Just do it!" CJ said. Silvers hands glowed gold and she gently placed them on Crystals stomach. Crystals entire body started glowing and Silvers eyes turned entirely gold. The bright red bite on Crystals neck slowly dissapeared. Silvers eyes went back to normal and she stopped, taking her hands off Crystal. "Give it time. She'll be ok. Can you carry her?" Silver asked. CJ nodded. "Great. The humans knocked out. How are we gonna figure out which way to go?" Blade asked. Dakota pulled out her phone. "The bloodthirst fang is in a cave. It looks like we can go this way to get there faster, or at least until Crystal wakes up. Ill lose wifi when we leave town though so we better get going" Dakota said. "Good enough for now" Blade said. CJ held Crystal tightly and secured as they began walking. Blade fell back to her. "I can see how scared you are" she said. "If you make any remarks right now, I swear to the gods that I will run you through with your own tail" CJ said. Blade was silent for a moment. "Shes gonna be ok" she said finally. CJ looked at her. "Ive seen healing spells before. Crystal will be fine. You dont have to keep stressing so much" Blade said calmly. CJ took a deep breath. The two walked in silence for a moment. "Thank you" CJ said finally. "I know I talk a lot... but I dont hate her. I dont hate any of you" Blade said. CJ smiled softly. "Ill remember that" she said.

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