Chapter 24

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CJ and Crystal heard the alarm and rushed over to make sure their friends were ok. As they got closer, CJ realized something and stopped. "What are you doing?" Crystal asked. "The cops are-" before she could finish that sentence, she heard the collective galloping coming closer. "Oh no. Hold on" CJ said. With one tap of her foot, Marshmallow took off and Crystal gripped onto CJ tightly. "What about them?" Crystal asked. "Theyll be fine, but if you dont wanna go to jail, then I suggest you go with what Im doing" CJ said. Crystal put her head in CJs neck. "Stop Charley! Give us back that vile!" Someone shouted through a megaphone. "I dont have it shit heads!" CJ yelled. The cops were long behind them but a new problem arose in front of them. "Oh come on. Not now" CJ mumbled to herself. "What?! What now?" Crystal asked. "Lets just say, they are more people that dont like me" CJ said. Crystal groaned. Coming up to them in the distance were four motorcycles. "I thought you had a no vehicles rule" Crystal said. "We do. We call those guys the Iron Cowboys" CJ said. "Well we better get moving cause your other problem is getting closer" Crystal said looking at the cops. CJ groaned and took off again. She pulled out her gun and shot at the cops. The shot spooked the horses and they got held up. CJ took off behind the buildings and the Iron Cowboys came up behind them. "CJ!" Crystal said in fear. CJ took note of Crystals tone but also was afraid of how she was gonna outrun four guys on motorcycles. "Its ok. Just close your eyes and hold on tight. I promise youll be ok" CJ said. She shot at the Iron Cowboys and hit one. He fell dead off the bike and the other three advanced ahead of him. She kept shooting but was quickly running out of bullets. "God dammit" CJ snapped to herself. She looked back and pointed her gun as straight as possible. "Please hit the tire. Please hit the tire" CJ said to herself. She shot it and sure enough, it hit the tire and the bike went spiraling. It crashed into the other two and CJ smirked to herself. She looked back forward and pulled the reins immediately. "Woah!" She yelled, trying to stop. There stood the cops, looking very pleased. "Hey there Charley" one of them said. CJ sighed. She cant run. She knows itll only put Crystal in more danger. "Hello brother" CJ said.

The cell door closed. "Oh how Ive dreamed of this moment" CJs brother said. "No need to brag brother. You're better than that" CJ said. "Charley, do you know how much shit youve caused me? Bragging is the least I can do" he said. "Yeah yeah. Whatever. Go back to work. You're an officer. Not a guard." CJ said. "Adam!" Someone called for him. He rolled his eyes and left. As soon as he walked away, CJ went to Crystal. "Are you ok?" She bent down to her. Crystal sat on the bed. "Mhmm" she hummed. She was shaking like hell. "Crystal Im so sorry. I never meant to get you wrapped into this" CJ said. "Its ok." Crystal said. CJ pulled her into a hug. "Just breathe. Everything will be ok. I promise" CJ said. "How can you be sure?" Crystal asked. Before CJ could respond, Adam came back. "How cute" he said. CJ snapped her head over to him. "What now" she growled. "Oh wow. You get fiesty when I interrupt you and your girlfriend" he said with a smirk. Crystal let go of CJ and looked down. CJ frowned at her, and then growled at Adam. "What do you want?" She snapped. "Watch your tone sis. Your girl there will be released tomorrow. You however... well youll be lucky if you ever see your horse again" he said. "And what about mom? Whos gonna look after her? God knows you wont. You havent been to see her in ten years!" CJ snapped. "She chose you! She chose to support you! Im not gonna see her as long as she supports you" Adam said. "She didnt choose me. She wants to see you Adam. Shes only on my side because as soon as dad died, you dissapeared. You never came around anymore because you were too busy. Even after I started doing this, I still stuck around" CJ said. Adam didnt speak. He just backed up and then left. CJ growled to herself and clutched the bars. Crystal walked to her and put her hand on her shoulder. CJ stopped and looked at her. "Your mom will be ok. Calm down" she said quietly. CJ sighed. "Ok" she said. They hugged again. "PDA is frowned upon ya know" they heard. CJ groaned, wishing people would just leave them alone. They turned to the bars and saw a woman in a police uniform, looking down as not to show her face. "Who are you?" CJ asked confused. "Does it matter?" The guard asked. She held up the key to their cell. "Oh god. Do you want something from me? Is this one of those stupid deals?" CJ asked. The guard laughed. "You really are a card... furry" the guard said. CJ was shocked that she called her that. The guard looked up and smiled at them. Crystal and CJ both smiled seeing her eyes. "Jax!" They said. Jax was back in her human form. She raised a finger to her mouth, shushing them. She unlocked their cell and gave CJ back her gun. "Go out the back, down there. Your horse is waiting for you" Jax said. "Jax, come with us" CJ said. "Not yet" Jax said. "Thank you Jax. And Im sorry" Crystal said. Jax smiled and nodded. CJ hesitated but then hugged her. Jax was confused but hugged back. "You are not a monster" CJ whispered. Jaxs eyes widened. "Thank you CJ" she whispered back. They pulled away. "Now go" she said. CJ and Crystal took off out the back.

"Come on, we gotta get to the others- AGH!" a gun shot went off and CJ yelled out in pain. She collapsed and gripped her leg that was now bleeding out. Crystal bent down to her. "CJ! Are you ok?" She asked worried. "You didnt really think you could escape without me knowing, did you?" Adam asked. CJ glared at him through the pain. "Crystal get on the horse" she growled. "What? But-" crystal was cut off. "GET ON THE DAMN HORSE" CJ yelled. Crystal got on and CJ kicked Marshmallows leg. The horse took off and Crystal held on for dear life. "Its noble of you to have her go without you" Adam said. "Yeah well-" she started as she stood up. "You've never been one for the gays" she said. "What are you gonna do now Charley? You got no horse and a bum leg" Adam said. "Thats what you think. You must have forgotten who trained your horse" CJ said. Adams eyes widened. CJ shot a bullet into the sky and a few seconds later, Adams horse came running around the corner. CJ snatched onto the horse and jumped on. "Shit!" Adam yelled.

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