Chapter 21

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Nova was halfway through the maze. The trees were taller than she expected and the little noises around her were freaking her out. A large shadow passed overhead and Nova jumped. She heard leaves rustling above her. She took a deep breath. "Babe, thats not funny. Im already freaking out" Nova said. Jax dropped from the trees, right beside Nova. "Sorry" she said walking to her. They kissed and smiled at each other. "I didnt mean to scare you" Jax said taking Novas hand in her claw. "Its alright" Nova said. They walked together through the labyrinth of trees. "It makes me feel better with you here" Nova said. "Well, Ill always be here" Jax said. "So, was my theory right? About the crystal?" Nova asked. "Spot on. Im impressed" Jax said. Nova smiled proudly. "So why dont you have one? I mean, isnt it harder to find food yourself?" Nova asked. "It is. And its not like I cant eat normal food. Its just not as satisfying. Ill still be hungry if I eat normal food. Well, that is if I havent already eaten. Like right now, I still have power from that dragon so Im not hungry. And who says I dont have a crystal?" Jax asked. Nova looked at her confused. Jax held up their intertwined hands and Nova saw the ring she was wearing, with a bright red jewel. "So you could have powered up the whole time?!" Nova asked. "Yes, and I have been. Otherwise Id be dead right now" Jax said. "So whyd you drain the dragon then?" Nova asked. "Seemed like the easiest way to defeat it" Jax said. Nova looked back forward. "Yeah I guess thats true" She said. They walked around a corner and Nova smiled. "Is that it?" She asked. "Looks like it" Jax said. Nova walked up to a tree stump that had a red crystal on it. She picked it up and walked back to Jax. She waved it around Jaxs face. "Does it make your mouth water?" She teased. Jax crossed her arms. "Very funny" she said sarcastically. Nova giggled. "Sorry. Had to. Will you walk me at least half way back?" She asked. Jax smiled and nodded.

Leah fell asleep while standing, though she was leaning on Blade. Blade hadnt yet noticed. CJ was in her dog form, curled up in Crystals lap, who sat on the grassy floor. Dakota and Randy sat in the grass next to each other, talking about their children. Silver stood, watching the woods, waiting to make sure Nova returned. Ashley rested her head on Silvers shoulder, her eyelids getting heavy as the sun went down. "Babe, can you set up camp? Im gonna pass out" Ashley whispered. Silver looked over at her and smiled softly. "Alright love. Ill be in, in a minute" she said. She waved her hand and all their tents appeared. Ashley hesitated. "Shes gonna be fine babe. Dont stay up waiting too long" she said. Silver smiled and nodded to her before she went to the tent. The others went to bed. Not long after, Nova appeared out of the forest and walked to Silver. "Sorry it took so long. I got a little lost on the way back" Nova said. Silver looked over Novas neck, seeing the dark spots, and smirked. "Lost in her eyes? In her mouth? In euphoria?" Silver asked. Nova looked at her confused. Silver pointed at her own neck and Nova got red immediately. She covered her neck. "Shit" she mumbled. Silver chuckled. "Relax. I wont tell. The others are asleep. I know Jax is following us, and I know shes talked to you, and... it looks like a little more" Silver said. Nova looked down embarrassed. "Dont be embarrassed" they heard. Jax suddenly appeared. "You can go invisible?" Nova asked. "I can be camouflaged" Jax said. Silver smiled. "Im glad to see you're ok" she said. Jax smiled. "I would like to sleep in something a little more comfortable tonight. So you're lucky, Im staying here. Ill leave early in the morning" Jax said. "As long as you dont fuck her in the tent" Silver said. Nova glared at Silver. Jax chuckled. "Ill see you later Sil" she said. They all went to their tents. "Thank you for coming back" Nova said. "Never left" Jax said.

Jax left early the next morning just like she had said. Nova found a note when she woke up saying not to forget that Jax wasnt that far behind and would protect her if anything happened. Nova smiled and got out of the tent. The others slowly got out of theirs. "So whats next?" Nova asked. "A vile of... something. Seriously! Who wrote this? Their handwriting sucks!" Crystal said. "A vile of Mutanix" CJ said. "The fuck is that?" Blade asked. "Its what turns a human into a mutant. Its a cruel and awful thing to do to someone" CJ said. "Theres several ways we can go to find it. I dont suppose you know where we can get some?" Crystal asked. "Actually I do. Theres some in my town. We just might have to lay low a little bit" CJ said. "Yeah cause you have a fucking bounty on your head. Nice going furry" Blade said. CJ rolled her eyes. "Listen. My town is the most western place you will ever see. Im a cowgirl, and I am definitely not loved by the police. So when we go into town, you have to follow everything I say, or you'll be as good as dead. Theres a lot of people who want me dead, or locked up. So if they see you with me, theyll want you dead too. As long as you listen to me, you will all be fine. Ok?" CJ said. They all nodded. "Lead the way then cowgirl" Blade said.

They arrived at the outskirts of the town in the afternoon. "Looks like we're nearing Leons territory. He's pretty cool about me passing through. Just dont touch anything" CJ said. They walked into town and people turned to whisper about CJ. Nothing about the others, just her. "You really live here? This is literally the wild west" Crystal said. CJ shrugged. "Its home" she said. They heard horses coming toward them. "Side of the path. Come on" CJ said as they moved aside. A visibly strong and fit man rode up to them. He wore a black cowboy hat and his pupils were thin like a snakes. He had dark green eyes and his grip on the reins was tight. He wore black cowboy boots to match his hat and his skin shimmered in the light. He looked like a western prince. "Im only passing Leon. You know I wouldnt provoke you" CJ said. Leon blinked once and waited to respond. CJ did not show weakness, and refused to shift under his glance. He smiled lightly. "Nice to have you back ssss-CJ" he said. His tongue was thin and had a slit in the middle, just like a snake. "Nice to see you too Leon. Thank you" CJ said. Leon nodded. "He's on patrol out there. You better be careful" Leon said before galloping out. "Was he part snake?" Ashley asked. CJ looked at her. "Why are you surprised? You're part fish" she said. Ashley glared at her. "Come on. We'll go the back way to my place." CJ said. "Whos on patrol?" Crystal asked. "The cops. More specifically, my brother" CJ said.

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