Chapter 16

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They kept falling. "Leah! Wake up! Please! I really dont wanna die like this!" Blade yelled. The ground was getting closer. Blade looked to Leah. "Im sorry! Im so sorry white wings! I shouldn't have been so mean to you! You've been an amazing friend, and Ive actually really loved hanging out with you. Especially what you did for me with Ember. I swear to Satan I would marry you and give you my entire fortune right now if you would wake up and save us!" Blade said. Leahs wings suddenly opened and the two flipped over so that they safely glided down to the floor. "Wait... could you hear everything I just said?" Blade asked after they landed. Leah fell back onto a bench, exhausted. She smiled lazily. "Id gladly take your hand in marriage, demon scum" she panted. Blade smiled and hugged her. "Im so glad you're ok" she said. "I just need a sec to catch my breath" Leah said. "Thats ok white wings. Ill wait" Blade said. "Good choice" Lucifer said, slowly flapping down to the ground. The others ran out the front door. "You're the first demon to have picked their friend over my halo. You didnt go for greed, and I applaud you for that." Lucifer said. Blade smiled. "Does that mean-?" She asked. Lucifer snapped his fingers and the halo appeared over top of Blades horns. "You've earned it" Lucifer said. He flew back up to his office. "Good job Blade. Now we can get out of here" Crystal said. "Not so fast." Blade said. She walked to Leah and sat on the bench next to her. "White wings needs to catch her breath" she said smiling at Leah. She smiled back and pulled Blade into her with her wing. "Thank you Blade" Leah said. "Thank you" Blade said.

The group got back to the overworld. "So whats next?" Nova asked. "We're headed to Howlers Cove. The map takes us straight through the town to the werewolves artifact" Crystal said. "What is the werewolves artifact?" Dakota asked. "I dont know. The writing is too bad to read" Crystal said. They looked at Randy. "I have no idea. I can bet a million dollars that my daughter does though. She knows the weirdest shit" Randy said. "How old is your daughter?" Nova asked confused. "Thirteen" Randy said. The entire group looked confused. "I found her in the woods" Randy said. "Oh" they said relieved. Randy rolled her eyes. "Because thats so much better than having an early birth" She said sarcastically. Dakota chuckled.

"Do I need to hide in your town too?" Crystal asked. "Not from being bitten. Maybe from being cat called. Single werewolf men are assholes. They smell the slightest pheromone and they're all up on you" Randy said. Crystal shrunk and CJ clenched her fists. "They wanna cat call, they'll get the dog" CJ said. Crystal smiled at her. "Anyway, we're almost there" Randy said looking away from the couple. "Wow. This neighborhood is a lot nicer then I expected" Nova said. "Thank you?" Randy said. "I think anything beats your shitty apartment" Jax said. Nova glared at her and Jax smiled.

"Wow. Nice place" Dakota said. "Thanks" Randy said. She unlocked the door to the house and they went inside. "Jack! You gotta stop opening the lock with your claws. You know my mom gets mad when you-" a girl walked around the corner and stopped in shock. "Oh... mom. Hey" she said nervously. "Chase, did you invite your girlfriend over while I was gone?" Randy asked. Chase looked to the side. "Yes. I did. What do you want from me? You would do the same thing if you met your mate when you were ten!" Chase said. Randy smiled and shook her head. "Its fine, but you're replacing the lock if she breaks it again" she said. Chase looked behind Randy at the group. "I thought you were supposed to leave with them. Not bring them here" Chase said. "Yes Chase" Randy said rolling her eyes. Chase eyed them carefully. "Oh I get it. You brought them cause this one is your mate. I can smell your pheromones going crazy for her. Shes a little dark but I guess if thats what the wolf wants" Chase shrugged. Dakotas jaw dropped and Randy growled. "What?" Chase asked. Randy calmed herself and breathed out. "I need your help. Do you know anything about a werewolf artifact?" She asked. "Oh yeah. The Persons Paw. Its an amulet. One side is a hand and the other is a paw. It looks really cool" Chase said. "You know anything else about it? Like if a werewolf can get it?" Randy asked. "You cant get it. The site I read about it said that only someone who sensed the same could get it. I dont know what that means. There was also something about a guardian, but I dont remember that part" Chase said. "Thanks Chase. Here, order yourself a pizza" Randy said throwing her money from her pocket. "Yes!" Chase said snatching it from the air. "Are we heading out already? Im exhausted" Nova said. "The artifact is really far from here. We need a head start. We can just camp out again" Crystal said. "Bye Chase" Randy said. "Where do you think you're going?" Chase asked. Randy turned to her, and Chase had already turned into her wolf form. "You're not making me do this right now" Randy said. Chase wagged her tail and stood up. "This is so embarrassing" Randy said before transforming. She walked up to Chase. The two trotted around in a circle and then stopped and shook out their fur like they were wet. Randy transformed back and patted back her hair. "Ok ok. I gotta go. Bye Chase" Randy said. Chase transformed back. "Bye Randy" she said.

"That thing you did with Chase was really cute" Dakota said. Its late and they're in their tent. "She made it up when she was seven and I was drunk. We've been doing it ever since, whenever we say bye to each other" Randy said. Dakota smiled and then hesitated. "Is what she said true? Am I your mate?" She asked. Randy looked down. "Yeah. I didnt want to freak you out" she said. Dakota smiled. "Its ok. I dont mind. I mean I already told you I think you're hot." She said. Randy laughed. "Really. Its alright. Truth is, Ive been lonely for a while now. Doing this quest has actually given me some company that isnt my idiot brother or my kids. I wouldn't mind you sticking around after its over" Dakota said. "Really? You... wanna give this a try?" Randy asked. Dakota nodded. "Randy, I need someone to balance out my life. Someone to be there. If you can do that, then I will do anything for you" Dakota said. Randy smiled. "Ill always be here" she said taking her hand. Dakota squeezed it. "Come here. I hear werewolves get sad when they dont sleep next to their mate" She said. "Yeah. Its been hard keeping this from you" Randy said with a laugh.

Jax sat outside watching the stars. Silver sat down next to her. "You ok?" She asked. "Yeah" Jax said. "Missing home?" Silver asked. "Ha! Hell no. Even when I lived on Callisto, I loved staring into the night sky. Well... when the sandstorms weren't too bad at least" Jax said. "Are you ever gonna show the group what you are? Or at least Nova?" Silver asked. Jax looked at her shocked. "Do you know?" She asked. Silver nodded. "Im not afraid of you Jax. I know you would never hurt us" Silver said. Jax looked down. "Im scared" she said. "I know. I can only imagine how scared you are, but I promise itll be ok" Silver said. "I dont know. I dont think I can just up and say that Im a Madex. Not that they'd know what that means anyway" Jax said. Silver smiled and patted her shoulder. "Youll figure it out. Come on. We gotta sleep" she said.

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