Chapter 26

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They headed off again in the morning. Jax stuck around this time. "Where does it say we're going?" Silver asked. "Well it looks like we have to pass through some sort of cave soon. Theres no way around it. I cant see whats after that" Crystal said. Ashley took Silvers hand. "You ok?" She asked. Silver nodded, even though shes not. Ashley knew that, but decided against asking about it. She knows that she can't help whatevers bothering her and asking would probably only make it worse.

The group approached the cave. It was too dark to see into. "How are we gonna see in there?" Randy asked. "I can see just fine" Dakota said looking inside. "How far does it go?" Randy asked. "Really far. I cant see the end. Its more of a tunnel" Dakota said. "Silver, can you give us some light?" Randy asked. Silver looked into the cave but then backed away. "I dont think we should go in there. Theres something... off" She said. Crystal opened the map. "Theres no way around it. We have to go through" she said. Ashley took Silvers hand. "Are you sure you're ok?" She asked. Silver looked at her and then the cave. She hesitated. "Yeah. Yeah Ill make a light" Silver said. "Ok. Lets go" Randy said.

Silver made herself glow, which lit the area surrounding them, but not the whole tunnel. As they walked through, Blade started to get goosebumps and rubbed her arms. "Are you alright?" Leah asked. "Theres something familiar about this cave" Blade said. "Have you been on earth before?" Leah asked. "Not in caves" Blade said in a 'duh' tone. "How could it be familiar then?" Leah asked. Blade shrugged as they came up to a wider cavern. They walked in and Blade tripped on a thick crack in the floor. She huffed and lifted herself up into the push-up position. Her eyes widened seeing what the crack was. "Guys we gotta go. We gotta go right now!" Blade said getting up fast. "Why? Whats wrong?" Leah asked. "This crack. It makes an image" Blade said. Leah and Silver looked down at it. "Is that a sigil?" Leah asked. "Not just any sigil" Blade said. "Thats the seal of Asmodeus. King of Lust" Silver said. "This is the cave of the lust. Theres one in hell too." Blade said. "Whats that mean though?" Leah asked. The cave suddenly became well lit with a dim red light. "Oh no" Blade said. "Uh guys?" Dakota said concerned. They looked at her. Randys eyes are pink and shes just staring at Dakota. "This is what the cave does. It has a spell that makes you show your feelings to someone who youve had any romantic contact with" Blade said. "Why is Randy the only one then?" Dakota said. "She isnt" Jax said. They looked over. Nova, CJ, and Ashley are staring at their partners. "Why arent we affected?" Crystal asked. "Well you dont have any magical properties, Dakota doesnt have a soul, and Silver is a god. This place affects earthlings, which excludes me, Leah, and Jax." Blade said. "What do we do?" Dakota asked. "I dont know!" Blade said. "Kiss them" Silver said. "Excuse me, what?" Blade asked. "I know this spell. I helped Mel remember it for her one of her tests when we were younger. To break the spell, you have kiss them. But be ready to catch them, cause they're gonna pass out afterwards. At least until we're far enough away from this cavern." Silver said. "Wow. This is way less terrifying than the one in hell. In that one, Im pretty sure you have to fuck them" Blade said. "Thats correct. You do. But Asmodeus got in trouble for doing that on earth" Silver said. "Why are we waiting then?" Jax asked. She walked to Nova and kissed her. Novas eyes changed back and then she fell into Jaxs arms. "See, its as easy as that" Silver said walking to Ashley. She kissed her and Ashley collapsed into her arms. Dakota hesitated in front of Randy, nervous to do this when shes literally staring into her non-existent soul. Still, she kissed her and Randy fell into her arms. Crystal was hesitant for other reasons. They only recently said they were together, and when they kissed before, it didnt really mean that much. "Crystal, you gotta do it" Blade said. Crystal didnt turn to her, didnt even regard that she spoke. She slid her hand to the side of CJs face and brushed her thumb on her cheek. It felt wrong to her, to do this before they were ready, but she knew had too, so she did. She kissed CJ and then she fell into her arms. Blade looked up. "The light should turn off now" she said confused. "Uh, Blade?" Silver said pointing behind her. Blade turned around and saw Leah, with bright pink eyes staring at her.

Blades eyes widened. "Why is it affecting her?" She asked. "You really think Asmodeus likes angels enough to spare them?" Silver asked. Blade looked at Leah nervously. "I- I cant." She said. "Why? I thought you two had a bond" Dakota said. "Yeah but... not like that" Blade said. "Is that why you were holding hands in the museum?" Silver asked. Blade whipped her tail and growled at her. Jax set Nova down gently and walked to Blade. "Chill out" she said. She put her hands on her shoulders. "Blade, there is no shame in loving an angel" Jax whispered. Blade looked at Leah and then Jax. "But she... she hates me. At least... thats what I thought" Blade said. "Blade. She clearly doesnt hate you. Ive been following you guys after what happened with the dragon. You two obviously like each other. Just go for it. Everything will be fine" Jax said. Blade sighed. "Ok" she said. Jax backed up and went back to Nova. Blade walked to Leah. "Why didnt you tell me" she whispered. Leah obviously couldn't respond. Blade took a deep breath. "Please forgive me later" she whispered. She put her hands on either side of Leahs face and pulled her in for a kiss. Blade liked it more than she would ever admit. The lights went out when Leah collapsed and Silver once again started glowing. "Lets get them out of here" Jax said.

They were in a well-lit part of the tunnel now and they settled there for the night. Nova and Randy had already woken up. Now everyone was heading to sleep anyway. Blade was awake though. She stared through one of the holes in the ceiling at the night sky. She felt movement beside her and looked over. Leahs waking up. She looked back up when Leah looked at her. "Blade?" She whispered. "Hmm?" Blade hummed, not looking at her. "I know what happened" Leah whispered. "Im sorry. I couldn't leave you in that spell" Blade said. "Why are you apologizing? I dont mind" Leah said. "I kissed you" Blade said looking at her. Leah smiled. "And I wish you'd do it again" she said. Blade was was taken back. "Im sorry I didnt tell you. I just thought that... well I thought you hated me" Leah said. Blade smiled. "I cant hate you. Not after what you did for me" She said. Leah smiled. She leaned forward and kissed Blades cheek. Blade got red and looked down. "Come here. You need to rest" Leah said. Blade laid back against her. "Trust me, I was just as surprised as you. I love you demon scum" Leah said. Blade smiled and closed her eyes. "I love you too white wings" Blade said.

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