Chapter 5

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"It looks like we're coming up on a town. At least we wont have to go camping tonight" Crystal said. "Whats the next thing we're getting?" CJ asked. "Um... damn who wrote this. Their handwriting sucks! It says... something ring" Crystal said. Nova looked over. "It doesnt look like power ring does it?" She asked. Crystal squinted at the paper and then nodded. Nova groaned. "Ok. This is mine" she said. "Whats a power ring?" Randy asked. "It can give people power boosts, or take it away entirely. Usually the latter" nova said. "How are you gonna get it?" Randy asked. "I have no idea. In the mean time, we can stay at my place. Its not great but its probably better then camping" Nova said. "Probably? What do you mean probably?" Dakota asked. "Do you even live in the town we're going too?" Crystal asked. "Does it look like a dark spot on the map?" Nova asked. "Yeah?" Crystal said. "Then thats it" Nova said.

"I see why its a dark spot" Blade said. They had arrived at the town. The entire place was trashed, walls were cracking, water spewing from weird places, men in ratted clothes sat on the chipped concrete and cat called the girls. "Hey Fin" Nova said. "Hey Nova." The cat caller said in a less then sober tone. "You actually live here?" Jax asked concerned. "Yeah. Its not so bad. Everyone knows each other, so it makes it easy to get away with stuff" Nova said. "This place doesnt look exactly safe" Jax said. "Oh its not" Nova said. They made it to Novas apartment complex and walked up the metal stairs to the front door. Nova kicked over the trash can in front of her door and slid it out of the way. She picked up the package at her door and squinted at it, looking straight through it. She sighed and tossed it over the stairs. "Whyd you do that?" Crystal asked. Nova pointed over the stairs and on que, the package exploded. Nova seemed unfazed but the others were horrified. "Anyway, make yourselfs at home. Well, at what little home I have" Nova said opening the door. Her studio apartment was just as dingy as the rest of the town. Theres mold on the ceiling and a drip coming from the tab. "How do you survive here?" Jax asked. "I do free lance. I dont get much money. Im a bail bonds person" Nova said. "You're a what?!" CJ said in a panic. Nova raised an eyebrow at her. "You dont collect for people out of your town, do you?" CJ asked. "Do you have a warrant on your head?" Randy asked. CJ went wide eyed and looked down. "No I dont. You're lucky" Nova said. "Its not anything big. I would rather not talk about it" CJ said. "Right, well, lets find some sort of comfortable spot in this trash heap before night falls" Blade said. "You guys want pizza?" Nova asked sorting through her junk mail. "Sure." They said.

Jax woke up in the middle of the night. Nova has a small light on and is writing something on a paper in her kitchen. Jax got up and snuck up behind her. She gently put her head on Novas shoulder and Nova jumped but calmed seeing Jax. "What is that?" Jax whispered. "Im taking notes on some targets." Nova whispered back. "Come to bed. You can do that when this dumb quest is over" Jax said. "This particular target, if I bring him in, itll get me enough money to get out of this shit hole. I need all the information I can get" Nova said. "You also need all the energy you can have. Now come on. We have to get your ring tomorrow" Jax said. "Yeah im not sure about that. I looked it up, and not just anyone can get it. According to what I read, only someone who refuses their full potential can get it." Nova said. "Then why cant you get it? This cant be your full potential" Jax said. "Its not, but im aware of that and Im not refusing it." Nova said. "Oh... well lets worry about that tomorrow. Please, go to bed" Jax said. Nova smiled lightly. "Ok" she said. She and Jax slowly stepped over the girls on the floor and Nova got into her small bed. Jax went to sit back down but Nova grabbed her arm. "Come up here" she whispered. Jax did not protest and gladly got in bed with her. They were cramped up next to each other. "Why am I up here?" Jax asked. Nova smiled. "I like being close to you" Nova whispered. Jax smiled and wrapped her arm around Nova. "Me too" Jax said.

Most of the others have woken up now. "Should we wake them?" Randy asked. "Its better that we do it before Blade gets up" Dakota said. "But they're so..." Randy led on. "Cute? Yeah they are" Dakota said. Jax still has her arm around Nova and shes all nuzzled up in Jaxs chest. "Do you wanna whack them with the map?" Crystal asked. "I can just jump on them if you want" CJ said. "You guys are horrible" Silver said stepping through the crowd. She gently shook them awake and they slowly got up. When they realized their position, they both quickly moved away from each other. Nova shot into the wall and Jax practically jumped off the bed. The thud of her hitting the floor woke Blade up. "Are you ok?" Nova asked. "Mhmm" Jax groaned. "Perfect start to the morning" Dakota said sarcastically. "Shut up fangs. Wake the others so we can go" CJ said. Dakota rolled her eyes. "So wheres this ring?" Randy asked. "The map says 'atop the highest point' whats that mean?" Crystal asked. "Its in a tree" Nova said. They looked at her confused. "How do you know that?" Randy asked. "I know some treasure hunters that got banned from taking it, or seeing it... or going within fifty feet of it" Nova said. "Ok. Lets go" Blade said.

The group stared up at what had to be the tallest tree they've ever seen. "So, if one of us goes up there, we loose our power? Just send the human" Blade said. "In her case, she'd lose her humanity" Nova said. "Id like to keep that" Crystal said. "So only someone who refuses something can get it?" Leah asked. "Refuses them selves or their potential" Nova said. "Oh" Leah said. She looked up the tree and then down. "Easy enough" she said. Leah flew up the tree quickly and snatched the ring. "Got it!" She yelled down. She flew back down and landed. "How?" Nova asked. "You dont see a halo on my head do you? Ive been refusing that thing for years. It would boost my power immensely, but it also prohibits me from leaving heaven and Im not ready for that" Leah said. "Wow. I think I like you a little more white wings" Blade said. "Thank you" Leah said proudly.

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