Chapter 6

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"Why do you have a warrant?" Crystal asked CJ. They walked together in the front where no one else heard. "Id rather not talk about it" CJ said not making eye contact. "Are you sure?" Crystal asked. "Positive." CJ snapped. Crystal shrunk. "Ok" she said quietly. CJ looked over at her. "I wont expose myself in front of these people. Especially the bail bonds bitch. But if you dont hate me after this stupid test, then Ill gladly tell you" CJ said. Crystal smiled. "I dont hate you. I think we could be good friends" Crystal said. CJ smiled politely. "I wish it was more" she mumbled. "What?" Crystal asked. "Nothing" CJ said.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashley asked Silver. "Sure" she said. "What are you the goddess of? Like whats your job?" Ashley asked. "Im in training. I dont have an official title." Silver said. "What do you want your title to be though?" Ashley asked. "Well, Im supposed to be the new goddess of health. But in order to gain that title, I have to stop using my powers for things that are labeled 'unnecessary" Silver said. "Oh. I see" Ashley said. "Its kinda dumb though. Especially since they dont tell you whats necessary and whats not. You'd think helping your friends would be necessary but its not. Its so weird" Silver said. "That sucks. I think you should be able to choose what you use your power for" Ashley said. Silver smiled at her. "Id like that. Hell, Id like to just live a normal life on earth. Being immortal is exhausting" Silver said. "Can you do that? Change your fate like that?" Ashley asked. "Of course. A lot of upcoming gods do it. Thats why the old ones like Zeus are still around. No one wants to step up and take his place so he can pass on. But like in Hades situation, he passed on a long long time ago and his successor has done wonders ever since" Silver said. "So how old are you really? You never told me" Ashley said. Silver groaned. "Yeah I was avoiding it" Silver said. "It cant be that high" Ashley said. "Its not. Thats why its embarrassing. When I say Im a young goddess, I mean it. Like I haven't been alive for more then 500 years" Silver said. "500 years isnt long?" Ashley asked. Silver shook her head. "If I were to turn mortal, Id technically be like... twenty seven? I think? But right now, as a goddess, Im 116 years old" Silver said. "Woah" Ashley said. "Yeah Ive seen some shit" Silver said. "You dont look a day over twenty" Ashley said staring longingly at her. Silver rolled her eyes. "Stop that. Your flattery hurts" Silver said. "Silver. Im not looking at your physical features. Im looking at you" Ashley said. Silver looked at her worriedly. "I cant do this again Ashley. I cant fall for you" Silver said. Ashley looked down and took Silvers hand in hers. "Im not asking you to." She said. "You do know that what your doing right now is dangerous" Silver said. "Dangerous? Im gonna get turned into fish fillet when I go home since I dont have a permit. Id rather risk being in love then dying" Ashley said. Silver chuckled.

"So what do you do?" Nova asked curiously. Jax looked over at her. "Like my job?" She asked. Nova nodded. "I coach a highschool girls hockey team" Jax said. "Really?" Nova said shocked. Jax nodded. "Yeah. I dont actually live on my home planet. I live here with my nephew, much to his displeasure" Jax said. Nova chuckled. "He doesnt like you?" Nova asked. "No he does. He just doesnt like having a 'guardian' here to supervise him since he's seventeen. I think my brother is a little dumb cause Im only twenty three. Im not much older than the boy so I can see how I dont seem like a guardian" Jax said. "Do you guys stay in your true forms at home?" Nova asked. "I dont. He does. Its kinda like a style choice. I prefer not to be noticed, but he wants all eyes on him. So glad Im not his mother" Jax said. Nova smiled. "Are you close with your family?" Nova asked. Jax nodded. "Im the runt of the family, but yes. I mean... they still think Im crazy for coming to live here." Jax said. "Why did you come here?" Nova asked. "To escape my ex husband. Dude was weird" Jax said. "Husband?!" Nova said shocked. "EX husband. It was arranged, but we hated each other so much that it barely lasted a week. He kept assulting me in the street though so I had to leave" Jax said. "Thats horrible" Nova said, with a hint of anger in her voice. Jax smirked. "Dont be jealous. Wasnt my type anyway. Was missing several certain features" she said, never breaking eye contact with Nova. Novas eyes went wide and she gulped. "Oh" she said nervously. Jax nudged her with a laugh. "Relax. Im not gonna jump you" Jax laughed. Nova laughed along with her. "Actually, I dont think that'd be so bad" she said. Jax looked at her. "Your eyes are pretty. I know we were all a little freaked out at first, but they are really beautiful" Nova said. Jax smiled. "Thanks" she said.

"So no halo huh?" Blade asked. "They're ugly anyway" Leah said. "I think I actually have a new liking for you white wings" Blade said. "Dont flatter yourself, demon scum" Leah said with a playful smirk. Blade returned the look. "So whats your deal white wings? You a pet sitter? Baby sitter? You help the elderly? Donate to charity?" Blade said in a baby voice. "You think that because Im an angel that I dont do unholy things?" Leah asked side-eying Blade. "Yes" Blade said blankly. Leah looked at her, then the others, then back at her. She walked closer to Blade. "You cant tell the group" she said. Blade nodded. "Demons honor" Blade said. Leah was surprised but didnt show it. She hadnt expected that. When a demon gives you their honor, they actually like you enough to let you trust them with whatever you're going to tell them. "Im a prostitute" Leah mumbled. Blades jaw dropped. "Really?! Like on the pole?" Blade whisper yelled. "Thats a stripper! ... but yeah I guess Im that too" Leah said. "Oh my Satan I like you so much more" Blade said in utter shock. Leah smiled and playfully pushed Blades shoulder. "What about you? You hijack peoples cars? Paint the town red?" Leah asked. "Oh... I uh..." Blade hesitated but then sighed. "I do yard work" Blade said. Leahs eyebrows shot up. "Really?" She asked. Blade nodded. "Mhmm." She hummed. Leah thought for a moment. The thought of Blade in a yard working uniform, hot, sweaty, dirty, the glasses, and the gloves, was way more appealing then she cared to admit. She shoved down this thought and feelings that might go with it because it didnt matter. Blade was still a demon. "My fiance says Im handy with a weed whacker" Blade said. Leah felt relieved when she said that, because that meant her feelings didnt matter since they couldn't be reciprocated anyway. "You're engaged?" Leah asked. Blade smiled and nodded. "Thats awesome" Leah said, though she didn't mean it. There was a sharp pain in her chest, and deep down somewhere, she knew what it was, but here and now she refused to acknowledge it. She refused to feel for a demon. 

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