Chapter 19

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They camped out again that night. Nova didnt sleep. She sat outside staring at the sky, wondering if maybe Jax had gone back home. Then she remembered that Jax said she was living on earth for a few years. One of the tents unzipped but Nova didnt bat an eye towards it. CJ came out and sat next to her. She looked at Nova but didnt say anything. Then she looked up just like Nova. After a moment, Nova spoke. "Im sorry I snapped at Crystal" she said quietly. "Its ok. Im not mad" CJ said. "You're not? Figured you come out here to shun me for snapping at your girlfriend" Nova said. "Girlfriend?! Is that what you guys think? You know what? Nevermind that." CJ said looking back to Novas face. "Crystal told me what happened. Im really sorry" CJ said. Nova didnt respond. "I just wanted to say I get it" CJ said. Nova looked over at her. CJ took a deep breath. "When I was little, my father left me and my brother." She said. Novas eyes softened. "I couldn't help but blame myself. Father used to tell us stories about how he drove off the cowboys from our town. He was an officer. He said that he single-handedly chased them all off. One day though, when I was nine or ten, the cowboys came back. My father was older though and couldn't do what he used too. He wanted to go out and try again but my mother begged him not too. Around that same time, I would accompany to brother to work where he blew up caves. There was this day when mom was so worried about my father, so I told her to come with me and my brother and maybe it would take her mind off things. Of course that was the day something went wrong. The dynamite went off too early, and everyone was fine, but my mom has been blind ever since. After that, my brother and I begged father to stay home and take care of her but he didnt. He saw this as his chance to leave without mom stopping him. So he left to chase the cowboys... and he died in the process" CJ said. Nova hesitated to respond. "Im sorry that happened. Can I ask why you have cowboys in your town?" She asked. CJ chuckled. "I live in the most western town you could think of. My brother is an officer now. He's usually busy chasing after me though" CJ said with a laugh. "Because of your bounty?" Nova asked. CJ nodded. "I guess you could say Im a cowgirl. I break all the same laws they do, except I do it to go after them. Not the towns people" CJ said. "You want revenge" Nova said. "Its not healty and I dont take pride in what I do, but Im too far in the hold now. I protect the people from cowboys. The only way to catch a cowboy is to be one. We dont allow cars in our town so horses are everywhere. I have a bounty on my head because I killed some stupid bastards on horses, and Id do it again. My brother thinks Im insane and keeps trying to lock me up" CJ said. "If you want to stop then why dont you surrender?" Nova asked. "Because I also break the law, to take care of my mom. My brother hasnt gone to see her in years. Im there every other day to keep her company. She has trouble taking care of herself." CJ said. "Thats sweet. Does she know you're on this quest?" Nova asked. CJ nodded. "She didnt want me to go" she said. Nova smiled. "Thanks CJ. I do feel a little better now" she said. CJ smiled. "Listen. She may come back. She may not. It doesnt change the fact that you did nothing wrong, and no one can blame you for having emotions. You're just a person. What can you do?" CJ said. Nova nodded. "Get some sleep" CJ said. "I will. Thanks CJ" Nova said. CJ nodded and went back to her tent.

"Uh guys?" Crystal asked. Its morning now and they're heading off again. "What?" Ashley asked. "The map doesnt have a certain path. Theres like thousands of different ones." Crystal said. "Whys that?" Ashley asked Silver. "The map shows the artifacts for all the different types of aliens there are. We have to follow the one thats for Madex's, since thats whats Jax is" Silver said. "Its not labeled. It just has a bunch of different color lines. It says 'only the worthy can see the right path.' Whats that mean?" Crystal asked. "It means that which ever one of us is able to get the aliens artifact, will be able to see only one correct path" Silver said. "Ok, who hasnt gotten someones artifact?" Crystal asked. They all looked at Nova and she rolled her eyes. She walked over to the map and sure enough she saw a bright red line leading to the artifact. "Its this one" Nova said pointing at it. "Red one. Got it" Crystal said. "So where are we headed?" Ashley asked. "We're headed to the Mystical Valley. We can stay there overnight. Its on the way" Crystal said. "Mystical Valley?" Dakota said shocked. "Yeah why?" Crystal asked. "Thats a town full of aliens. Literally everyone there is not from earth" Dakota said. "Perfect. Lets go" Crystal said.

As they walked through the town, not a single person turned to look at them. No one noticed any difference. No one whispered or gawked at them. It was strange. The community is very active. Kids of different species playing in the street and the parks. Picnics and sports going on. Everyone seemed so nice. Not to mention everything was painted with bright colors. There was no litter, no smokers, no cracked sidewalks, no one that looked even remotely sketchy. Everyone was happy. It was definitely a strange sight. "Should we ask where theres a hotel?" Ashley asked. "Yeah. Maybe someone in here?" Randy asked looking up at a cafe. "Sure" Ashley said. Nova wasnt paying attention. Her gaze was caught on some boys across the street playing basketball. One of them was a Madex. She recognized his claws and tail. His fur was blue unlike Jaxs. Nova looked at the group and then back at the boy. She slowly backed away from the group and then slipped across the street.

Nova didnt know what she was doing. She thought that maybe Jax lived here and that maybe she had come back to her house or apartment. She thought that maybe this boy might know her since they're the same species, even though that was probably pushing her luck. "Hey kid!" Nova called out to him. He turned and walked to her. They stood on opposite sides of the basketball courts fence. The whites of his eyes were red and the color was yellow, just like Jax. "Whats up?" He asked. "This is a long shot, but do you know a woman named Jax? I think she lives here" Nova said. "You mean Jaclyn? Shes my aunt" he said. "Jaclyn?" Nova said confused. "Are you from that weird group of girls that she had to go see?" He asked. Novas eyebrows shot up. "Yes!" She said. "Yeah. Jaclyn hasnt been back in a while" he said. "Yeah and we've had some killer parties!" His friend said. The boy turned and chucked the ball at his friend. It hit him in the face and he fell backwards. Jaxs nephew chuckled and turned back to Nova. "You lookin for a place to stay? Theres a hotel down the street. Is Jaclyn with you?" He asked. "No. Not right now. We're meeting up with her though. Thanks for the directions" Nova said. "No problem" the kid said before returning to his game. Nova only lied to him so he wouldn't be mad. She couldn't bring herself to say the truth. Although now she knew Jax lived here, so maybe tonight she would come back. Nova could only hope.

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