Chapter 4

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"You think the others will just leave us behind?" Ashley asked. Dakota didnt answer. She couldn't in her shark form. They swam through the empty waters. "You cant talk... I shouldve known that" Ashley said wiping her hands down her face. As they got closer to the cave, they got lower to the ground. "Stay low, they dont typically react well to sharks" Ashley said. Dakota transformed into a shrimp and landed in Ashleys hands. "Oh. I guess that works too" Ashley said. She held Dakota up so she could see. "Now how do we get past the guards?" Ashley asked. Dakota turned back into a shark and swam up to the guards. "What are you-... oh!" Ashley said realizing Dakotas plan. The guards chased Dakota away and Ashley rushed inside the cave. When the guards came back, Ashley ducked behind a wall and a small shrimp scaled the wall, coming in unnoticed. Dakota jumped onto Ashleys shoulder. "Good job Dakota" Ashley whispered.

They swam deeper into the cave and found the platform with the Shell of Souls. They swam right up to it. Dakota jumped out of Ashleys hand and transformed back to her human form. She slapped her hand over her mouth and reached out to grab the shell. She picked it up and looked at Ashley. They waited to see if something would happen but nothing happened. "It worked!" Ashley cheered. Dakota tossed it in the air, transformed back into a shark, snatched the shell with her mouth and started to swim out. She nudged Ashley with her fin. "What?" Ashley asked. Dakota nudged her again. "I dont know what you-" ashley put her hand on Dakotas fin and was cut off when she took off at a blazing speed. Ashley held onto the fin for dear life. "I dont think sharks go this fast!" Ashley yelled. They zoomed out of the cave, past the guards and to the shore in less than a minute.

They shot out of the water and into the sky. Ashleys tail turned back to legs and Dakota transformed back to her human form. They both screamed on the way down. Leah shot up into the sky and caught Ashley. "Thanks white wings" Ashley breathed out relieved. Nova jumped up and caught Dakota. She landed and put Dakota down. "You have a super jump too?" Crystal asked. "Yeah. I mean I cant jump a skyscraper, but I can jump higher then most people" Nova said. "Dakota?" Randy asked. Dakota is on all fours, heaving. "Shes choking!" Ashley said when they landed. Randy didnt hesitate to give her the heimlich. The shell shot out of her throat and she collapsed onto the sand. Randy bent down to her. "Are you ok?" She asked. The others went to go find the shell. "I cant move" Dakota breathed out. Randy chuckled. "You need me to carry you?" She asked. "I mean... if you're volunteering" Dakota said with a lazy smile. Randy smiled and shook her head. "Come on" Randy said helping her up. "I like having your arms around me. That was hot" Dakota said stretching. Randy was stunned. "That was... ok" Randy said shocked and confused. "I dont know why I said that. I feel weird" Dakota said. They walked to the group and Dakota picked up the shell. Its glowing. "Whats happening" Ashley asked. They all turned to Silver. "If I had to guess, Id say that since fangs doesnt have a soul, the shell is giving her more emotion. Its not physically possible for it to give her a soul, but it can definitely make her more emotional" Silver said. "Are things always this colorful?" Dakota asked looking around. "And apparently more talkative" Silver said. "Great. Can we go to the next one now?" Blade asked. "Its this way" Crystal said.

Silver walked a little behind with Ashley. "Are you ok?" She asked. Ashley looked at her. "Im fine." She said. "Did anyone recognize you?" Silver asked. "No. Dakota made sure no one saw me" Ashley said. "So whats the matter?" Silver asked. "I dont know. I kinda dont like being in the ocean. I mean, I can live on land. Its not like illegal or anything, but my mother is so controlling. I doubt she'll ever let me out of the house if I go back" Ashley said. "Then dont." Silver said. Ashley looked at her confused. "Dont go back. You dont have too. You're here now, and no one can tell you to leave." Silver said. "Yes they can" Ashley said confused. "Maybe. But they cant enforce it. Like I said, Ill be protecting you till you die" Silver said. Ashley smiled. "I look forward to that" Ashley said. "You know, your true form was really beautiful" Silver said. Ashley got red immediately. "Um. Thank you" she mumbled. The girls hands brushed by each other. Ashley panicked and crossed her arms while Silver looked away and shoved her hands in her pockets. They looked back at each other and smiled through their embarrassment.

Dakota walked with Randy. "Are you feeling ok?" Randy asked. "Yeah. Its just really weird." Dakota said. "So... you think im hot?" Randy asked. Dakota dropped her head and laughed. "Yeah. Im sure your mate would growl at me" Dakota said. "What makes you think I have a mate?" Randy asked. Dakota raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you not? I mean you look like you're married" Dakota said. "I do?! Thats probably why I cant get a date" Randy said looking down. "You're not dating anyone?" Dakota asked confused. "No. Finding your real mate these years is practically impossible. Cause now it doesnt necessarily need to be another wolf. My mate could be across the world or hell, on a different world and Id never know" Randy said. "Wow. How will you know if you do find her?" Dakota asked. "I dont know. It'd be easier if I was apart of a pack, cause then it happens naturally, but Im not. So my wolf has to actually get to know the person in order to know if shes my mate" Randy said. "Thats unfortunate" Dakota said. "No kidding" Randy said. "Do you have a family?" Dakota asked. "I have a daughter. I found her in the woods when I was out hunting. She was six then. She's thirteen now" Randy said. "Oh wow" Dakota said. "Shes more like a friend to me" Randy said. "I have three kids. The first two were not planned and the third was forcefully given to me by my ex cause she didnt want her" Dakota said. "Wow" Randy said shocked. "Its not bad. I love them." Dakota said. "Whos watching them?" Randy asked. "My brother. Whos watching yours?" Dakota asked. "Ha! Chase is fully capable of looking after herself" Randy said. "Im glad your happy" Dakota said. "Are you?" Randy asked. "Happy? Um... I think so. If this is what happy is supposed to feel like then yeah, I am" Dakota said.

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