1. The Orientation

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Siya's POV

I was late. I quickly rushed towards my hostel room and my roommate was already inside the bathroom. I've never shared a room before. I am ready to adjust but I just hope that my roommate is understanding too.

My chain of thoughts broke when the bathroom door opened and she came out. She gave me a bright smile and said, "Hey! I am Swati, your roommate. Nice to meet you." Her smile was enough to erase all my worries and I greeted her back with a wide smile. "Hi, I'm Siya." She asked me to choose a bed. I asked her if she would mind if I take the bed near the window to which she agreed. She is sweet. I already like her. I quickly freshened up and got ready. I wore a pink kurta and blue jeans. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Swati waiting for me. "Let's go?" She asked and I nodded.

We came out of the room and locked it. We were searching the auditorium but the campus was so huge that we thought we were lost. Just then a boy of our age approached us and asked, "Are you both from Aeronautical department?" I nodded and he said, "Me too but seems like I am lost."

"I think we should go together so that we don't get lost again." I suggested to which that boy and Swati agreed. While searching for the auditorium, he introduced himself. His name was Raghav and he was from Pune. We talked until we finally reached the auditorium.

We took our seats silently as the orientation had already begun. After few boring speeches, the orientation finally ended.
Raghav suggested that we go to the canteen first and eat something before going back to our rooms.

We went to the canteen and I ordered a masala dosa and filter coffee. Swati and Raghav placed their orders too. We chatted until our order was served.

We got to know that Swati was from Mumbai too and we talked about our favourite places in Mumbai. We also had a debate over which city is better, Mumbai or Pune. Ofc, Swati and I proved our points and Raghav just gave up saying he is hungry and doesn't have energy to argue with two people right now.

We ate our food and after paying the bill as we were about to leave, I saw him again. The airport guy. But what was he doing here? Is he a student? Yes ofc. And that's why he welcomed me. Oh, alright. He looked at me and our eyes met for 2 seconds but then he looked away. Maybe he didn't recognise me. Seems like he has a very bad memory. Anyways, let's go to the room and arrange the stuff.

"I'm glad I have made 2 new friends on the orientation day itself. Once our regular lectures begin, we'll go out and explore the city." Raghav said. "Yes, it will be so much fun." Swati added. "Okay guys, now I'll go to my room and see if my roommate has arrived or not. Bye girls." He said. We bid him bye and went back to our room. We started arranging our stuff in the room and chatted about our family and our life back in Mumbai. By the time we finished our work, we both knew that we were similar to each other in behaviour.

"So, ready to spend the next 4 years with an amazing roommate?" I flipped my hair and asked Swati. She just chuckled and said, "I am more than ready and I'm sure that the next 4 years are going to be fun with an amazing roommate by my side." We broke into a laughter and hugged each other.
In that moment, we knew we were going to become best friends........

Happy Independence Day! 🧡🤍💚
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Next chapter will be out on Friday.
Till then,
Take care 🤍

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