Chapter 1

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My name is Ophiuchus Lestrange. I am the daughter Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard to every live. I was created because my father had a feeling that his demise was coming soon due to a prophecy. In case his demise came, my father made sure that he had at least one Heir to continue his legacy. He chose his most loyal and obsessed female  follower to continue his legacy.

My mother. Bellatrix Lestrange.

 I have no memory of my father.  Aunt Malfoy told me that a month before my first birthday, my father disappeared. He attempted to get tid of the boy who was thought the prophecy was about. He killed the boys mother and father before trying to kill the one-year old boy. When casting the killing curse, it rebounded from the boy to my father. Supposedly killing him. But. Many of his followers  believed that my father was out there including my mother who was devastated by the lost of her master and desperately search of any sign of him which lead her to being locked up in Azkaban when I turned 6 for being a deatheater  and for using the unforgivable torture curse on the Longbottom's causing them to lose their mind because she thought they had information his whereabouts.

Due to the absence of both parents, my mother's sister Narcissa Malfoy and her husband took me in and raised me along side a their son Draco Malfoy. Unlike Draco, when I turned 16, I wasn't able to go to Hogwarts as both Aunty and Uncle Malfoy were worried about my safety. Being the daughter of the most evil, feared, and hated wizards wasn't the best luck. But I was taught magic by my aunt so I know some stuff. But on my seventeenth  birthday, I begged them to allow me to attend Hogwarts.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a school that magical children attend from the age of 16 to 24. In the muggle world, this would have been the age you attend College/Sixthform to University. It's only pure and half bloods that enter school that attends Hogwarts at the age of 16, the muggle born start at the age of 18. So, me coming to the school two years later than everybody wouldn't be too odd.


Today is going to be my first day at Hogwarts, and I am feeling very confident. Malfoy often boasted about how he's basically the most popular and feared guy in the year. The only people who tried to step up to him were Harry Potter, his poor best friend Ronal Weasley, and the twins Aries and Sagittarius Archer. 

"How are you feeling, Ophi?" asked Aunt Narcissa as we were waiting for a platform nine and three quarters for the train

"I'm really excited," I replied with a smile. "Stop worrying, Aunty, everything is going to be okay. If anything happens, I'll send an owl,"

"If anything happens, I'll be there to sort it out " said Draco 

"Thank you Draco, make sure you look after your little cousin for me,"

Aunty Narcissa gave us both a hug before leaving us at the platform

"Yo Draco!" Said a voice from behind

We turned around to see 2 boys and a girl walking up to use, which I assume to be Draco's friends.

"Blaise, Scorpio, long time no see," Draco said with a grin as he gave spudded the boys before stopping at the girl. "Whats your name again ?"

The girl rolled her dark grey eyes but had a smile on her face. She had long, kinky silver hair, which was gelled down into a slick pony tail. She was very beautiful and had round gold rimmed glasses and gold hopped earrings.

"Haha, very funny, Malfoy," said the girl sarcastically before her eyes trailed to me. Her already round eyes winded so much that I thought her eyes would fall out. "Oh, you must be Ophiuchus ....Ri-"

"Lestrange," I corrected. "I took my mothers name,"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Apologized the girl, looking slightly nervous. "My name is Pisces Zabini, and this Scorpio and Blaise Zabini, their brothers, and I'm their cousin,"

"Oh Zabini, that name sounds familiar," 

"Yes, our mother is quite famous," replied Scorpio. He was incredibly handsome. He had dark skin with incredible dark green eyes and black dreads. His left ear had a  diamond earring and a small scar on his cheek. 

"Damn Draco, you didn't tell us that your cousin was a cutie," Grinned Blaise as he bent down to kiss my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly

"Ew Blaise," gagged Draco before turning to me. "Don't be flattered, Ophi he does this with everybody,"

Suddenly,  a trolley came out of nowhere, knocking Scorpio onto the floor.

"Fam watch where the fuck you're going," Shouted Scorpio

The person who pushed the trolley was a slim boy. He had bright fluffy blonde hair with slim blue eyes. Even though, he had smashed into a very angry Scorpio he had a smile on his face.

"You think this is funny!" Growled Scorpio as he inspected his black suit for any damage 

"Huh," Said the boy "Fuck, I didn't realize, I've never done this before"

"I'm hearing everything but an apology," Replied Scorpio 

"Ah sorry, my name is Capricorn Cole," The boy said as he outstretch is hand offering to help Scorpio. 

Scorpio gave Capricorn the dirtiest look before a roar of laughter erupted from behind Scorpio. The laughter came from a guy that just came though the barrier. Next to him was a girl that looked exactly like him. They were light-skinned with with deep brown eyes that twinkled in the sun. The boy had dyed blond dreads with white tips and a studded nose and ear piercing. He was very very attractive. They girl next to him was a bit shorter than him, her hair was a deep red dyed with red streaks with a lip and eyebrow piercings. 

"Scorpioooo," Grinned the girl "I know your happy to see me but I didn't expect you to be on your knees

"You find this funny Archer ?" Growled Scorpio as he got up from the floor 

"Ye, you fell Ice cream," Grinned the boy pointing to the side of Scorpio's trousers. Everybody looked at Scorpio's trouser which now had a huge white stain. Scorpio slowly looked up from his trouser and at Capricorn who had a nervous smile on his face.

"This fucking suit cost more than your life prick!" Snapped Scorpio 

"Leave him alone Scorpio, I'm sure your mother can just rob and kill another  simp for your su-" Before the girl even finished his sentence Scorpio had a wand pointing at her face

"Finish that sentence Aries, I dare you," Scorpio threatened in a low voice 

"Wand down Scorpio," Warned the boy pointing his wand at Scorpio 

"Sagittarius," Warned Pisces as she pointed her wand at him

"Why don't we all put our wands down," I said  trying to calm down the situation. Draco wasn't lying when he said that there was a lot drama in this school. We haven't even got onto the train yet and wands have been drawn


The train had arrived with smoke blowing out of it. All four of them put their wands away and began to make their way to the train.

"And you are," Asked Sagittarius 

"I guess we'll find out later," I replied "Lets try to get to school in one piece first,"

"fairs," Smirked Sagittarius before turning and winking at Pisces  "See ya later, Pi, loving the new hair style," 

"Your hair looks good too," Replied Pisces 

"Yo Cole wanna ride with us?" Asked Sagittarius 

"Yeah sure,"

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