chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I'm dyslexic. I can't spell to save my life. If there is any spelling mistake please tell me kindly. Tell me if a sentence doesn't make sense

location: Astronomy tower 

"Well, well, well, look at who decided to grace me with their presence," Aries said sarcastically as the boy stepped out from the shadows "Thanks for reminding me how irritating your voice sounds,"

"Oh come on, Aries, we both know how much you love our fun little arguments," The shadow smirked as he lit up his cigarette

"Fun? I was thinking annoying and exasperating," Aries rolled her eyes as he blew out smoke into her face "Smoking doesn't make you look mature"

"Not smoking doesn't make you mature either darling," 

"What are you doing here Zabini," Aries demanded as she crossed her arms across her chest "I've never seen you up here before,"

"I've been up here many times, Archer, you were just busy with that hoodlum to realize that other people were here,"

"Don't call him that," Snapped Aries, but her voice trailed off towards the end as realization weighted down on her "How long  have you been going up here,"

 "Long enough to catch you cheating on me." Scorpio  said casually  "Not to worry though, the next day I was entertaining Virgo, and I'm over it now"

"So you did only go after Virgo to make me jealous," Laughed Aries

"I did at first, but then I realized that I did actually like her," Replied Scorpio "Of course, you had to ruin everything,"

"I didn't need to ruin anything, I just told her to truth on why somebody like you would have sudden interest in a commoner like her,"

"And why would a rich girl like me be interested in a thug like Leo hm?"

"I told you not to call him that!" Growled Aries as she reached into her waistband to grab her wand but Scorpio was quicker


Aries's wand flew out from her hand and over the edge

"Screw you Scorpio,"

"Goodnight Aries," Laughed Scorpio as he watched her go down the staircase 

Next Morning 

Main hall

The main hall was louder than usual. Everybody was talking about predictions on what the first task could be and who would. All the champions sat at the table quietly, not able to speak or eat. It was finally dawning on them that they could be potentially losing their life 2 days.

"How are you feeling," Asked Cancer as she noticed that Taurus wasn't eating 

"Uh yeah, don't want to get a stitch doing the task," Said Taurus with a weak smile on his face. A few days ago Harry had told Cedric about the next task being dragons so the two brainstormed techniques for defeating dragons. 

"At least you know, what the task is," Said Libra before Cancer gave her a swift kick in the shins "Ow cancer wtf"

"Could you be any louder!" whisper shouted Cancer "You didn't tell anybody right,"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't tell your Ravenclaw friends about the information  right," Cancer said sternly

"Uh no," Lied Libra, as soon as received the information she told Virgo straight away "If I did would that be a problem,"

"Yes," Replied Taurus and Cancer in unison 

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