Chapter 4

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After the feast

Third Person

"Miss Ngoy, how nice to see my favorite book lover," Said the librarian as Virgo walked in "I heard that you were sorted into Ravenclaw, cant say I'm surprised," 

"Yes aha, its nice seeing you too," Smiled Virgo 

"Miss Ngoy, you know you now have a library in you're common room now that you're a Ravenclaw," 

"I know, "Replied Virgo  "But its not nearly as quiet or has as many book as the main school library,"

"Well you only have 15mins until you have to head back to your house," Informed the Librarian "Anything particular you are looking for? Potions? DADA?" 

"Yes, I'm actually looking for a muggle book," Said Virgo "Children of blood and bone? The third one,"

"Ah, yes, a lot of people have rushed in to find the book," Chuckled the Librarian "I can't say I understand all this enthusiasm over a muggle authors book,"

"Really, do u know where I could find it,"

"Ah yes, it at the back with the other young adult muggle books," Said the librarian " You may want to hurry others are looking for the book too,"

Virgo thanked the librarian before running off to the direction the librarian pointed to.

Virgo's POV

Not  being in the school for 6 week made me forget how big the library actually, It took around a 5min jog to get to the muggle book area. The muggle area was really huge. I looked at the clock on the wall. I had around 10mins to find the book and that's if nobody finds it before me.

"Accio Children of blood and bone," I whispered pointing wand at the bookshelf. 

Immediately a book flew of a shelf and straight into my hand. I beamed at myself before realizing the mistake I made. 

The book did come but it was the first book, I needed the third but I don't know the title of the third book. I let out a small groan of frustration. Then another idea entered my head.

The books in the library automatically float back to their original places if not put back automatically . If I let the book float back its place, I could follow it and because the books are put together by their author It would lead me to the third book.

I am actually such a genius 

I let the book float back to where it came from. Book 1, 2 and THREE. I wasn't able to see the title of the book so I had to stand tippy toes and reach for the book.

Almost there

Suddenly a hand from behind me got the  book,  I turned around to familiar green eye piercing through my soul. 

Scorpio's POV

"I didn't know you could read, Scorpio,"  Said the girl, she folded her arms and narrowed eyes. 


She looked different. She had grown a few feet obviously not enough. Her was in black box braids that went past her hips which were tighter. She was much curvier. 

But I'm definitely not complaining

"Hey my eyes are up here weirdo," Virgo snapped as she clicked her fingers in my face 

"You've changed, almost did recognize it was you," I said 

"A break-up can often do that," Virgo said as she rolled her eyes before reaching for the book in my hand. 

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