Chapter 13

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Third person
Boy dormitories

"I wonder what the next task is," Said Capricorn as he climbed onto the bed "Didn't they say the egg will give you clues?"

"Yeah, maybe you should try opening it," said Ron passing the egg over to Harry

The boys watched in silence as Harry stood in the middle of the room and he fiddled with the egg attempting to open it.

"There we go," Grinned Harry as he found part of the egg to open it "You guys ready?"

Harry opened the egg. At first, there was silence quickly followed by the horrific screams from the egg. The sighs of disappointed quickly turned into moans of agony as the boys covered their ears. Harry quickly shut the egg, his ears still ringing.

"What the bloody hell was that" Said Sagittarius as he limped in the dorm, his ears in agony

"It came from Harry's egg," Groaned Neville "His one might be broken lets see if yours is different,"

"NEVILLE NO!" Shouted the group

But it was too late, Neville unleashed the screams ones again. The boy had flinch so hard and put his hands on his ears so fast dropping the egg which then rolled under the bed still open. Leo jumped from his bunk bed to try retrieve the egg which was still screaming.

"Fuck," Sighed Leo as he shut the egg and messaged his temple "Any of you lot understand that"

"Gosh we were are so fucked what does that even mean," Sighed Sagittarius as he leaned against the wall

"You alright mate," Asked Leo "Damn whose lip gloss is on your lips,"

"Dean's girlfriend," Replied Sagittarius casually, looking straight into Dean's eyes

"Woah Dean you have a girlfriend, you never told us" Chimed in Neville failing to read the room. Seamus nudged him signaling him to shut up

The room was dead silent as the two boys stared each other down. Tension fills the air. Dean got up his face emotionless.

"What did you say," Dean demanded in a low voice

"You heard me the first time, in my defence she didn't tell me until we shared a long passionate kiss," Replied Sagittarius dragging out each word as Dean got closer and closer. The boys watched in silence, both Leo and Seamus slowly got up from their bed in case anything was to break out.

"Why are you mad, you said it yourself that you didn't like, her " Said Dean "You practically shouted it to the whole train,"

"I also told you in private that I still liked her," Growled Sagittarius "You guys hate each other,"

"Very thin line between hate and love, we just got the feelings mixed up," Shrugged Dean "Whatever man, we can talk about this tomorrow in private, and when you've calmed down,"

"Why are you pussying out from a conversation," Sagittarius "Look right, man to man, we both know she's using you to get over me, after tonight she'll be thinking about me,"

"I'm not worried about anything Sagittarius," Sighed Dean as he turned to head back to bed "I will talk to Pisces tomorrow,"

"You're not man enough for a girl like her,"

Without warning, Dean lunged at Sagittarius, fist flying.

Leo and Seamus instantly rushed to the fight separating Dean and Sagittarius who managed to get a few solid punches on each other. More damaged on Sagittarius who hadn't yet fully healed from his last fight with a dragon.

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