Chapter 8

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Ophiuchus POV

"Can all students take their leave please," Asked Dumbledore "I need to talk to the teachers," 

"Virgo, let's talk?" I said as Dumbledore shut the door behind us

Virgo looked me up and down as her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "About?"  

"Just a little catch-up as you seem as if you know a lot about me but I  know nothing about you," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face

"Let's keep it that way," Virgo said coolly before walking away

That bitch. I only wanted to get to know her as we were the only two girls in the tournament excluding Fleur but she looks like too much of a princess to ally with.  And I've seen how much of a skilled witch Virgo is.

"Maybe if you had asked nicer Riddle, she would've said yes" Said Scorpio from behind me

"It's Lestrange!" I snapped as I turned to look at him.  Scorpio locked eyes. His eyes were cold  "You don't I had something to do with this,"

"I don't know you Ophiuchus but I know you're blood," Replied Scorpio in a cold voice. This isn't the time Scorpio has spoken disrespectfully and coldly to somebody. But this is the first time he's acted this way towards me.

"Why are you getting rude, Scorpio,"

"Because my black arse has somehow got into a competition where wizards die because somebody put my name into a damn goblet," Snapped Scorpio 

"And what you think I did it?"

"Dark magic is involved, and your blood knows dark magic Riddle"

"Call me riddle again and I fucking kill you," I growled

"Save that killing for Potter during the games since we know that's your plan," Scorpio as he walked away 

I stood there shocked, Scorpio's flip of attitude towards me was crazy. I haven't known him for long but from this interaction, it was as if he had hated me forever and was only letting out his feelings now. He only started acting weird around me after Virgo who is obsessed with my life accused me.

Taurus POV

I know I said I wanted to part take in the Triwizard tournament, but I wasn't actually expecting to for my name to be called out. Especially because I didn't put my name in there. 

Cedric and I walked back to the Hufflepuff common in silence. Cedric did try to spark up a convo but too many things were going through my mind to be a part of whatever he was saying. I paused before going knocking on the lid of the entrance of the common room. I remember the looks and things people said when my name was called. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked Cedric  as he gave my shoulder a little squeeze "Don't worry about what anybody says, at the end of the day whether you put your name in the goblet or not, you are now a champion,"

"Thanks, Cedric," Feeling a bit better 

"I know we're technically rivals but if you want I could help you," Offered Cedric with a smile "Not too much though, I do want to win,"

I thanked Cedric before opening the door to enter the Hufflepuff common room.

To my surprise, everybody in the common room was waiting for us with huge banners are huge smiles. The banners read



The banners were in the colors of Hufflepuff. Many of my fellow Hufflepuffs came up to me and Cedric patting our backs and giving spuds. I really didn't expect this, so I just thanked people and smiled. Before I was grabbed by somebody and pulled to the side

"Taurus bullseye surely you're not taking part in the tournament," Asked Cancer her hands still had a tight grip on my arm "What did Dumbledore say? You're too young right,"

"Cancer please calm down," I said as I grabbed her shoulders and gave her a little shake. Cancer looked at me as if she were about to burst into tears "I never realized how purple your eyes were,"

"Taurus! Why aren't you taking this seriously, People lose their minds, limbs, and lives in this tournament," Blabbed Cancer, not wasting a moment to breathe  "There are supposed to only be three Triwizard champions each year, and this time there are nine which include Harry Potter and Ophiuchus Riddle,"

"Moody said only powerful magic could mess with cup," I said trying to calm her down "And Hogwarts is a very safe place a dark wizard couldn't get in,"

"The dumbstrang headmaster was a death eater, Taurus, What if he messed with the cup to get Harry into the tournament,"

"Come on that's a bit of a stretch,"

"Is it Taurus, considering the fact that last year you-know-who was in the school last year hiding behind Quill's turban!"

"Cancer, breathe please," I said as I grabbed her and pulled her to the sofa "Even if what you say is true, the only person truly in danger is Harry Potter, okay, remember, I am also a very good wizard for my age, I can defend myself, please stop worrying,"

"But, Taurus-"i

"Cancer, everything will be fine, Cedric has offered to help me through this process," I said slowly "Stop worrying please, you're making me nervous,"

Cancer went quiet but I could tell that she was still very worried

"Taurus please answer this next question truthfully,"

"Did you put your name in the Goblet?"

"Of course not,"

"Okay, I believe you," Cancer said quietly "You'll let me help you right?"

"Of course,"


Third Person

"You'd think we get a more exciting welcoming," Muttered Harry as he entered the common room with Sagittarius 

"I know right, how are the Hufflepuffs parting harder than us," Yawned Sagittarius

The common room was empty apart from Hermione who was studying by the fire place. Sagittarius half expected for everybody to jump out with big banner saying surprise but it never came.

"Hermione where is Ron," Asked Harry as they walked over to sit with her 

"Where is everybody, never seen the common room so...dead," Said Sagittarius before collapsing on the sofa

"They've all gone to bed," Replied Hermoine "I must warn you though everybody is mad at you boys,"

"Why?" Asked Harry "Did we say something wrong,"

"No its defiantly jealously, Sighed Sagittarius "A lot of the elder years wanted to take part in the tournament and probably felt like we've cheated the system,"

"But we didn't" Groaned Harry

"Some people are saying its black magic," Whispered Hermione 

"If anybody is using black magic its the dark lords daughter," Scoffed Sagittarius "We're bringing glory to Gryffindor and their blinded by jealously,"

"You two should get to bed," Advised Hermione "You'll need all the rest you can get to for the tournament,"

"You should too, Granger you can't get smarter than you are already," Teased Sagittarius 

"You can never learn too much, Archer," 

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