Chapter 16

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Ophiuchus POV

Dear Miss Lestrange

Please come to the office immediately to discuss an urgent matter

Kind Regards

"Oh Ophi, what have you done now," Tutted Draco as he looked at the letter "Did you cheat during the tournament or something, you know you could get executed for that,"

"Oh shut up Malfoy," I said as I threw my toast at him

"It's probably nothing," Yawned Pisces "I got the same letter, should we go now?"

I nodded my head and both Pisces and I got up from our seats and headed towards the office.

"Pi, are you okay?" I asked as we left the Great Hall.

"I'm fine," Pisces said quietly

Pisces told me what happened between her and Sagittarius last night. There were tears in her eyes as she explained her guilt. One for cheating on Dean and the other because she knew that she hurt Sagittarius. I personally felt that Pisces shouldn't feel guilty at all. We're still young and we all still make mistakes.

In my eyes, she had two choices tell Dean what happened and depending on how Dean reacts, the relationship either continues as normal or they break up and she continues with life. Option two is, same as option one, but she decides to lose sleep and cry every night as if her life has been ruined.

She had chosen option two, her eyes were red and her voice was crocky. She looked like she was to pass out and sleep on the floor any second. I told her to sleep in and that I'd save her some breakfast but Dumbledore requested her presence and she decided that he was much more important than her sleep.

I took Pisces hand into my own and gave her a small squeeze of reassurance. Pisces gave me a weak smile and I pulled her into a tight hug. Normally, I hate people that show so much emotion but Pisces was so kind that I've become quite protective of her no matter how annoying she could get.

As we got closer to Dumbledore's office. I could see that two male students were already there.

"How wonderful," Mumbled Pisces as she identified one of the male students. The male student looked at her and his eyes turned dark. Immediately Pisces fixed her eyes on the floor. I immediately rolled my eyes, this is the side of Pisces I hated. The "if you ignore the problem it will go away" Pisces.

"What you boys doing here? Did you blow up the toilet again Sagittarius?" I said as we got closer

"Ha ha very funny Lestrange," Sagittarius said sarcastically before diverting his attention back to Pisces who was trying her hardest to put on a string front "Pisces you look horrible, did something happen last night?"

"Nothing life-changing," Replied Pisces quietly, she was now squeezing my hand so hard that I don't think my fingertips were getting any blood. I almost laughed as I saw his jaw clench at her comment.

"Do any of you know why Dumbledore called for any of us," said the other male student with a very bored look on his face.

He was cute, I've seen him around in the Slytherin common room only in the morning, he was hardly a Slytherin student, and always hung out with Ravenclaw don't think I've seen him talk to a Slytherin student outside of the classroom.

"And you may be?" I asked,

"Damn Lestrange, we sit next to each other in Transfiguration and you still don't know my name?" Chuckled the brunette "I'm almost offended,"

I shrugged, and I didn't talk to people outside my friendship group. The Triwizard tournament has kept my head in the book and my last name prevents closed-minded people from talking to me so I haven't bothered trying to mingle with others.

"Gemini Twinses," Said the boy he outstretched his hand towards me and I put my hand in his. He bent over and gave it a light kiss, the gesture made my stomach flip.

The ground let out a small grumble as the doors to Dumbledore's office opened.

"Do come inside," Said a voice from within the office.

Sagittarius was the first to walk through the door, Gemini gestured us to go in before he did.

What a gentleman

It was a large, beautiful circular room, the walls were covered in paintings of past headmasters who were sleeping. Dumbledore gestured to the four seats in front of his desk. And we sat down in a seat.

"Morning to you all," said Dumbledore when we stopped shuffling around "I've called four of here as, in this school one of our greatest value communities and as the teachers are busy doing extra classes for muggle students that are struggling,"

"So we're here for tutoring? Not to sound....arrogant but I'm excelling in all of my subjects, so I'm confused as to why I'm here," Interrupted Gemini, who had a very annoyed look on his face

"You're right Mr Twinses, your result shows that you're an exceptional student especially in Transfiguration being in the top three with Taurus bullseye and Cancer shin, so I'd like to use your intelligence to tutor Miss Lestrange,"

"My grades aren't bad though, if it's about the last test it was because I've been busy with the tournament," I lied, I've always been bad with transfiguration, but I didn't think it was so bad to the point where I needed a tutor.

"Even more of a reason to why you and Mr Archer here need a tutor, you'll need all the help you can get to get further within the tourna-," Said Dumbledore with a smile on his face

" I need a tutor? Again?" Interrupted Sagittarius "But I've been doing so well,"

"It seems like you've fallen behind in charms this time so I've opted for Miss Zabini to be your tutor again, as she did so well with you last year," Dumbledore took off his glasses to wipe them with his sleeve " Your tutor can also help you triwizard task, I have another in 2 minutes so you can talk amongst yourself as you head out,"

Gemini's POV

The door slammed behind us and we all stood there still for a moment processing what just happened. I'm tutoring Ophiuchus Lestrange? probably the most infamous girl in the school. She looked quite irritated her ego had probably been crushed by the news.

I'm not going to judge her, everybody needs some help sometimes. I wouldn't be a star student if it wasn't for the fact that Virgo and Aquarius force me to study with them and intervene when they find out I'm struggling with any subjects or topics. And Lestrange seems like a smart girl I don't think there should be too many issues trying to tutor her.

"Do you want to discuss meetup or right now?"I asked her after a few seconds of silence

"I'm not free on weekends before 8 pm noon and I'm only free on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 8 pm to 10 pm," Ophiuchus said quickly, before I could say anything else she added "And no we can not negotiate to time,"

Maybe she will be a problem. But I can handle her.

"Alright, we'll start today, meet me at the doors of the library at 8:01 with your transfiguration textbook," I smiled and she looked taken aback when it looked like she was going to say something I added "And no, we cannot negotiate sweetheart,"

Ophiuchus POV

That cheeky little fucker

I purposely chose those times because I knew they were unreasonable and he just went along with it. Who wants to learn something after 8 pm? But I can't even say anything now because it was within the time frames I had said.

I sighed and turned to Pisces, Sagittarius was nowhere to be seen

"Oh did you and Sagittarius make time already?"

"Yeah, he said 6:30 pm today," Replied Pisces "You?"


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