Chapter 14

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Third Person 

"Why didn't you want Gemini and Libra to know about the egg," Aquarius as he and Virgo walked down the dark corridors alone towards the Ravenclaw tower.

"If Libra wasn't there, we probably would still be in the bathroom trying to figure this out," Replied Virgo "I like Libra but.."

"We can't trust her," Aquarius said finishing off the sentence

"Ugh, I feel like a bad friend," Mumbled Virgo 

"I don't blame you, she did tell us that about the dragon task when her other friends  told her not to say anything," I said trying to make her feel better " I don't trust her either, but She's nice I guess," 

"So nice that you flirted with her the entire night," 

"Is that jealously, I sense Ngoy," Grinned Aquarius giving Virgo a little nudge

"None from me," Laughed Virgo rolling her eyes "But if you do really like Libra, I wouldn't mind playing matchmaker,"

"Nah, no need, I have my eyes somewhere elses " Replied Aquarius but let out a sight groan "I hate drinking , it lips are way too lose,"

There was a moment of silence 

"Who the lucky gyal ?"

"No amount of alcohol is going to get that answer out of me," Laughed Aquarius 

"Well lets see if you're sober enough, to answer the riddle," Smiled Virgo as they stood outside the Ravenclaw room

"Which came first the phoenix or the flame ?" Asked the bronze eagle 

"A circle has no beginning," Answered Aquarius 

Aquarius gave Virgo a smug look as the door swung open. Virgo rolled her eyes. 

"We should start to decipher this thing now that it is still fresh in our minds," Said Aquarius as they walked thought the door way. 

"Where though, the library is locked," Said Virgo 

"My roommate had to go home for family emergency, we could work there, it will be just us"



"Do you remember what the egg said ?" Asked Aquarius as they sat in the room 

"Not all of it but I remember the main parts," Replied Virgo "Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground, An hour long you'll have to look, To recover what we took," 

"You have any idea's ?" Asked Aquarius as he rummaged through his wardrobe 

"Merepeople maybe, they can't sing above ground," Replied Virgo "So next task I'll probably be tacking merepeople," 

"Here," Aquarius handed Virgo some fresh clothes "You're shivering, they might be a bit big on you but at least you'll be warm,"

Virgo had been so focused on trying to decipher what the voice in the eggs where saying that she handed realizes that her hair had socked her clothes and she was now shivering. 

"Thanks Aqua," Virgo said as she accepted the clothes 

"I'll turn around while you change,"

 Aquarius turned his back to Virgo as he flicked through a book about magical creatures. He looked for a seconds and realized his mistake, in front of him was a mirror and he could see Virgo in the reflection of the mirror. He immediately shut his eyes and cursed himself under his breath.

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