Chapter 17

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Location: Gryffindor Tower
Day: Sunday
Time: 13:34

Sagittarius POV

"Zabini is your tutor !?" Repeated Leo after I told them the news.

There was a moment of silence as Leo and Aries looked at each other and then at me before bursting into laughter. I rolled my eyes at their childishness. These two could never be serious.

"I wonder how Dean is going to take this," Laughed Aries "Maybe this time he'll knock you out,"

I looked at Leo who had obviously told Aries the events of last night. He saw the look I was giving him and shrugged "She's wanted to know how you got that extra bruise last night, you never told me to keep this a secret,"

The laughter soon stopped to the sound of  footsteps ascending the stairs. It was Dean.

"Aye Thomas, my favourite WWE fighter," Grinned Aries, "Here to give my brother another smackdown?"

"Uh no, I was actually hoping to talk to him," Replied Dean with a hopeful smile on his face "Clear up any misunderstanding ....peacefully.."

"Ew," Groaned Aries, clearly disappointed "What happened to fighting to the death and  whoever lives gets the girl,"

"Come, Ari, let's give them space," Said Leo

Leo stood up and stretched a little before dragging Aries away. I offered Dean my blunt which he accepted and took a puff.

"Should we really be getting high  before try-out?" Chuckled Dean as he handed back the blunt

"Nah, but I think I'm going to need this for this conversation," I replied letting the smoke escape my lips "Don't think I even have time for quidditch,"

There was an awkward moment of silence which was filled in by Dean clearing his throat.

"Yeah, look Sag, you're my best friend," Started Dean "I really don't see any reason why that should change because I'm dating somebody,"

"Somebody who you knew I liked," I scoffed "Then you had the nerve to hide it from me, it more about the betrayal and hiding the secret than you dating somebody Dean"

"You were busy, preparing for the Triwizard tournament, I didn't want to disturb you," Replied Dean "I honestly was going to tell you..... eventually,"

"So are you going to apologize for punching me or..."

"Are you gonna apologize for being a dick?"


"So I guess we both aren't apologizing," Chuckled Dean as he clapped his hands, he closed his eyes and leaned back against the stone wall "Sagittarius look, we've been friends for a long time and if my relationship with Pisces really bothers you, I'll break up with her,"

"You don't need to but you can share her though"


Don't give me that look ore mi ," I laughed "It wouldn't be the first time we've done this,"

Ore mi* = My friend (Yoruba) 

"Yes, it is,"

"How is it different, we have always shared girls,"

"Yeah with sex, one night stands, never real romantic relationships," Argued Dean but I could see he was thinking about it

"What about the girl, shit was her..... name Elen... Johnston? I shared her with you,"

"That was not a romantic relationship, you guys were friends with benefits," Laughed Dean "Plus Pisces said she no longer has feelings for you,"

"My tongue that was exploring her mouth last night would beg to differ," I smirked, Dean clenched his jaw and his eyes darkened. "It's crazy how you are  protective over a girl that you hated a few weeks ago, you scared that Pisces may fall for me again"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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