Chapter 12

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Hospital wing 

Cancer's POV

Taurus did amazing during his task. He proved to the school how much of an amazing wizard he was by doing one most advanced spells in transfiguration. Human Transfiguration. Magic so advanced that even most of the sixth years couldn't fully master it.

 He transformed into the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen. Black shiny scales with the most beautiful blue eyes. I was on the edge of my seat as he fought the dragon head-on. They clawed at each other spitting fire as they fought for dominance. At one point it looked like Taurus was going to lose, my nails dung so far into my palm that they were bleeding. But luckily Taurus turned it right around and grabbed the egg with his jaws. 

I screamed and shouted as Taurus grabbed that egg. I was so proud of him. One person was celebrating harder than everybody else.

Libra Scales 

I leaned against the wall waiting for Taurus to leave the infirmary. She was also waiting uninvited. Irritation rose within in me as I saw her talking with Gemini and Aquarius. I know she told Virgo what the next task was even though she denies it.

I had nothing personal against Libra. I even liked how friendly she was with Taurus . As in the past, Taurus has found it quite hard to make friends. So we've always been a duo. It was us against the world. But now our dynamic has been diluted by the presence of an outsider who in my eyes has overstayed her welcome. Taurus has even began to share inside jokes with her and spending more time with her.

Forgetting about me. Forgetting how I've always been by his side. They even started to make their own inside jokes. I felt like an outsider in my own friendship. Every time they laughed, it felt like a dagger into my back. My temper would start to raise when she would insert herself into a conversation between Taurus and I but I always bit my tongue afraid that Taurus might go against me and take her side.

Sometimes I wonder if Taurus did feel the shift in our friendship and was intentionally sidelining me for the sake of connecting with Libra. Maybe he was sick of our friendship and was trying to find his new best friend.

Third Person POV

The door to the hospital wing opened and Madam Pomphrey stepped out. Everybody immediately went silent.

"I have fixed up the champions to the best of my ability," Said Madam Pomphrey "They are all okay and are free to go except Miss Delecour, Mr Archer and Mr Zabini they'll be here for quite some time,"

"Is it possible for us to go inside," Asked Aries looking very worried "Is Sagittarius okay?"

"I'm afraid not today, Miss Archer but I assure you he is doing just fine,"

One by one the champions left the room greeted by the friends and siblings. Taurus and Cedric left the room at the same time holding the golden egg in their hands. Taurus looked the worse out of the both of them. He has bandages wrapped around his left arms for the burns and his right arm was but up in a sling. He had stitched on the right side on his face and was looking very pale.

"You look like shit" Grinned Cancer as she walked up to Taurus who was wearing a weak smile "You okay, you did great out there,"

"Thanks Cancer," Taurus gave her a quick hug but stopped as it caused him a bit of pain "We need to go get the thing from professor snape,"

"Lets do it now," 

"TAURUS!" Squealed Libra as she jumped on Taurus accidently pushing Cancer out the way "My god, I was so worried for you, you did so well, you dragon form was magnificently beautiful,"

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