Chapter 5

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Location: Hufflepuff Common room 

Libra's POV

"Libraa wake uppp," 

"Ugh what time is it," I groaned as I turned away from the light coming from the window.

"Five past eight, Professor Dumbledore said that everybody except the first years is expected to be in the Great Hall before nine" Answered Cancer "

"Oh crud, I didn't collect my uniform yesterday," I groaned into my pillow

"Don't worry I got them for you. You just get ready "Smiled Cancer

"You're a lifesaver," I thanked Cancer as I gave her a hug

"I saw some hot non-Hogwarts guys walking around the school this morning," Squealed Victoria Nairwood as she entered the room "One of the guys was that Bulgarian seeker,"

"Victor Krum? He is dark and mysterious," Giggled Amy Diggory, as she applied her make-up 

"You might want to hurry Libra or you're gonna be late," Warned Victoria "And you don't want to be late for assembly trust me, it very embarrassing,"

30 mins later

When I got back to the bedroom, Cancer and the rest of the girls were already gone. 


I only had 10minutues to get ready and so I could use the extra 15 minutes, remaining to find my way the Main Hall since I still don't know my way around the school and my wizard helper Amy Diggory has forgotten me. As soon as I finished put on some light make-up I ran down the girls dormitory to the Hufflepuff common room, I was in such a rush, that I swung the door open with a lot of force and it hit the person on the other side.

"Ow," Groaned the boy as the lid swung open and knocking him onto the floor. His glasses were knocked off his face in  process and where laying on the floor next to him.

"Oh my, I am so so sorry," I apologized as I went to go help him up

"It okay," Said the boy as he accepted my help.

It wasn't until he was standing straight I realized how handsome he was. He had messy black hair and deep sea blue eyes. He had very light brown freckles that were scattered across his face with a small scar just below his left eye. He had a bit of dust on his nose and his uniform was really messy, his shirt was untucked and his tie was loose but that may be due to the fact that I did just knock him onto the floor.

"Have I seen you before?" Asked the boy, as he brought his face very close to mine, his eyes searching mine before steeping  "Oh sorry I didn't mean to get close, I have really bad eye sight, and you kinda knocked off my glasses,"

"Oh no no Its okay," I said I looked back on the spot of the floor where his glasses were laying but now boys foot was there "You're stepping on them,"


"You're stepping on your glasses,"

"Oh fuck, nonononoo," Moaned the boy as he stepped back and picked up his now broken glasses "Shit these where my last pair,"

"I'm so sorry," I repeated again

"Wait, why am I panicking, I'm a wizard," the boy said to himself as he reached into his robe and brought his wand "Reparo"

The boy smiled to himself looking very proud as he put his glasses on 

"My name is Taurus Bullseye, by the way," Introduced the boy as he tucked his wand away "I presume you joined the school yesterday as this is my first time seeing you,"

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