Chapter 9

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Scorpio's POV
Location: Slytherin Common room 

"So what are you two planning," Said Draco as he sat on the sofa

"What plan?" Asked Ophiuchus

"Your plan to crush your enemies at the tournament," said Pansy excitedly 

"I don't have one, do you ?" Ophiuchus asked. Her fake innocence almost made me throw up

"I don't have one but even if I did I would tell you, Riddle, "I said roughly

"I told you not to call me that bastard," Growled Ophiuchus 

"Woah where is all this hostility coming from," Asked Draco

"Scorpio thinks I'm the reason why his name ended up in the Goblet," Explained Ophiuchus. 

Surprisingly, the room was silent and everybody was giving each other looks. Ophiuchus realized what this silence meant.

"You guys can't believe that!" Said Ophiuchus in outrage as she stood up "I had nothing to do with this, I'm just as confused as you! Draco!"

"Did my parents say anything to you before we left," Asked Draco "You can tell us, Ophi nobody is going to judge you,"

"We can even help you depending on what you're doing." Said Blaise 

"I can't believe this," Scoffed Ophiuchus as she stormed away to the girl dormitories "Fuck all of you,"

"She's so dramatic," Sighed Pansy as she laid her head on Draco's shoulder 

"She'll get over it," Said Draco "I have a plan if you wanna hear it out Scorps," Scorpio made a sound of approval

"Lets have a little get-together with champions and their friends," Smiled Draco "Get them drunk, have a game of truth and dare, 7 mins in heaven,"

"What going to be the outcome in all of this, it just sounds like you want to have a party," Asked Pisces

"Broken friendship, heartbreak anything that could distract them from their focus on the tournament," Smiled Pansy snapped her finger, and immediately two girls came forward "I got these girls to observe everybody since we were on the train, ladies tell us the information of the Triwizard Champions"

"Virgo Ngoy has only 2 close friends, Aquarius who is a Ravenclaw, and Gemini who is a Slytherin, Gemini often sneaks into their common room despite the outrage from the other ravenclaws. Aquarius seemed to be very upset with Virgo's "situationship" with Scorpio,"

"You're still in love with Ngoy," Interrupted Goyle "She doesn't seem like your type, you know she's so stuck up not to mention her nos-"

"Watch it Goyle," Growled both Scorpio and Blaise at the same time, causing Goyle to turn pink in embarrassment 

"When did this start up again," Asked Blaise, his jaw clenched

"The day the school started was not like it has anything to do with you,"  Replied Scorpio "It was a one-time thing she hasn't spoken to me since,"

"That's because of Aquarius," Said Pansy "So if Virgo comes to part, you could win her over again in turn breaking up her friendship with Aquarius and Gemini,"

"Onto the next champion, Sagittarius Arch-"

"You may leave, "Interrupted Pansy "That's all the information you'll be getting,"

"Come on I wanna hear what you have on Potter," Moaned Draco, Pansy laughed "It's up to you Scorpio whether we do this,"

"You're forgetting one thing though," Said Blaise "Majority of the people we want to invite to this thing hate us,"

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