Chapter 2 -

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"Allow us to formally introduce ourselves," Said Aries as the three of found a compartment "My name is Aries Archer and this is my twin brother, Sagittarius Archer"

Sagittarius muffles a sentence that neither Capricorn or Aries could understand as his mouth was full of  chocolate frog. 

"Obviously, I am the better sibling," Laughed Aries as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder  "I got all the good looks and good manners,"

Capricorn laughed

"I'm guess you're muggle-born, how did you parents take the new?" Asked Aries as she passed me a drink 

"Uh, they didn't take it well at all, they're very religious so hearing that their only child was a wizard almost killed them,"  Capricorn explained, Aries could hear the twinge of sadness in voice "They took me to the priest, to pray away the demons but when I told them I wanted to go Hogwarts, they threated to kick me out,"

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, I've heard some horrible stories of reaction of muggle parents finding out that their child is a wizard," Sighed Aries "That's why they made a rule that muggles born don't start till 18, so they'll be able to move out if they have a toxic home environment,"

"Anyways tell about yourself anything I should know about this year group before, I get there" Said Capricorn changing the subject "What house were you sorted in?

"Guess," Grinned Aries

"I haven't done a lot of research," Capricorn admitted "But you give me Gryffindor and Slytherin vibes

"Slytherin! What about me gives off Slytherin vibes?"

"Don't kill me," Chuckled Capricorn "You just give me them vibes and don't forget I said Gryffindor too,"

"Well, I guess we'll find out today, we get sorted in out houses today," Explained Aries "For generations, my family have all been sorted into Gryffindor, never has anybody been sorted into a different house and it will NOT  start today, although some have said that Sagittarius gives them Slytherin vibes,"

"Nope, I'm 100% Gryffindor,"

"Whatever, but those Zabini's  are hundred percent Slytherin," Scoffed Aries as she opened a chocolate frog "Their family is similar to ours, not single one of them haven't been in Slytherin,"

"Scorpio definitely  but I don't think Pisces is in Slytherin," Said Sagittarius with a mouth full chocolate "She gives if Ravenclaw vibes being intelligent and all that"

"Of course you would say that," Groaned Aries, before turning back to Capricorn "He's absolutly in love with her but he doesn't understand that he's understand her spell because she's a veela!"

"Whats a veela?" Asked Capricorn 

"Veela is a semi-human magical creature that had white skin and white hair, that are irresistible to anybody attracted to women," Explain Sagittarius "Not only do I NOT find her attractive, but she doesn't fit the vela description ,"

"She has  natural white hair ,"

"Okay but she like 1/8 vela that's barely anything," Argued Sagittarius "There is nothing that I like about her, I'm only pretend to be civil with her because I need her help with defence against dark art need I remind you that you rejected to help me with. Once I have all the help I need I'll wont need to force myself to be friendly with her,"

"Mmhmm sure, whatever you say," Aries said sarcastically 

"Whatever I'm done with this convo, I'm going to find Leo," Sagittarius got up and slammed the compartment door as he left while Aries let out a small sigh. 

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