Chapter 7

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Ophiuchus POV

Did you guys put your name in the goblet," Asked Virgo her eyes still wide as we waited in the great hall chamber

Except for Cedric, Fleur, and Krum, we all shook our heads.

"Then how the hell, were your names called," Said Krum,

"We are just as surprised as you,"

"Obviously they are lying," Fleur muttered under her breath "They got an older student to do it for them,"

"I don't know about these lot," Said Virgo "But I would never put my name in there.

"This must be some sort of prank," Sighed Scorpio "I didn't even step foot in this place,"

"But why us, I barely know anybody in the older years," Said Taurus "Hell I don't even know you guys,"

"I don't know, maybe Archer would know as the twins were attempting to put their names in today," Said Scorpio looking directly at Sagittarius " Looks like one of them made it,"

Everybody looked a Sagittarius

"It was the Weasley twin that made that attempt idiot, I was in the hospital wing all day thanks to you and your friends remember," snapped Sagittarius "How are you trying to blame me when you know, whose daughter is here!"

"What are you trying to say," I said in a low voice, looking directly at him

"Everybody knows that you-know-who is trying to come back, he tried it last year and failed and now his daughter has joined the school," said Virgo, "And both she and Harry Potter have been put in the tournament despite the restriction, this isn't a coincidence,"

I paused for a second. My father was in school last year. Why didn't Draco tell me?

"Oh you Ravenclaws think you're so smart," I let out a cruel laugh "Your names are here too, remember! I don't know you people, so how would I have put your names in there!"

"That cup was spitting out names of people in our year until it got to Harry's name," said Virgo "We just got caught in whatever this is,"

Everybody stared at me in silence with suspicions and accusations written all over their face. I turned to Scorpio for help. But, he had a cold look on his face and suspicion in his eye. Before turning away from me and looking at Virgo. I don't know what I was expecting Draco told me about the little fling they had. 

The silence was interrupted by the door busting open. All the teachers and the head of the ministry of magic stormed into the room, some of them looking angry, one of them being the headmaster

"Did you put your name into the goblet !" Shouted Dumbledore as he grabbed Harry. Of course, six underage students are in danger and the only one Dumbledore cares about is the chosen one. 

"No, no  none of us put our names in," Said Harry 

"They are lying, they must have gotten an older student to do it," Said Madam Maxine 

"The goblet of fire is a powerful magic object," Interrupted Moody "Only a very powerful spell could fool it, definitely can not be done by a bunch of 17-year-olds, or "

"I'd rather not be part of the tournament," said Virgo "Is there a way I could not do this, I love my life,"

"I'm afraid not Miss Ngoy, when your name is in the Goblet you automatically make a contract," Explain Fudge "You will have to go through with the tournament,"

"How are we making the contract, if we didn't put our names in the Goblet," Argued Scorpio

"What's done is done Scorpio, I'd advise you four to leave now and practice your magic," Advised Snape "As we said before, people die in this tournament go ready yourself, you have a week,"


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