Chapter 15

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Cancer's POV

Hufflepuff common room
Time: 23:45

"Make sure this is taken soon, you only have half an hour before the moon starts to have its effects," Said Snap as he handed us the potion 

"I've told Professor Sprout to lock all the Hufflepuff students inside their dormitories as I'm afraid you won't make it into the shrieking shake with the injuries that Taurus has," Said Dumbledore "So you will not need to worry about anybody finding your secret,"

"The dormitory doors, will not open until after 10 am," Said Professor Sprout  

  I thanked the Professor as they left the Hufflepuff Common. 

"You ready?" 

Taurus nodded, he took the potion out of my hand and opened it. Immediately the strong smell of the potion seemed to affect him and his already bruised and injured arms started to shake 

"Taur, you're already weakened from your last task, I could help you," I offered. Taurus looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"Help me how? Are you going to feed me," Chuckled Taurus, "It's fine, I can do this,"

"No problem, hurry and drink,"

Taurus closed his eyes as he attempted to drink the potion. I hated this part, it was worse than the transformation itself. Taurus let out a strangled cry as he fell to his knees. I went to help him but he put up his arm signaling me to stay back. He put the potion back onto his lip, attempting to drink it but this time his body reacted badly, he dropped onto the floor his arms convulsing.

Immediately I ran to him picking up the potion, luckily Snape had put an anti-spill charm to none of the potion had gone to waste. 

"Gosh you are so stubborn," I mumbled as I kneeled next to him. I rested his head on the lap. He reached for my arm that held the potion and I batted it away "Let. me. help. you.?"

Taurus had been sweating profusely, his messy curls stuck to his forehead. He looked paler than usual. He looked at me with his deep blue eyes which were full of pain. I hated seeing him like this. I stroked his cheek with one hand as my other hand poured the potion into his mouth. 

I stopped every time, his grunts sounded too painful. I could tell he was trying his hide his pain. His would curl his first and his eyes would water I poured. With each grunt, I apologized and wiped away a tear. Until the potion was finished

"I'll never get used to drinking wolfbane," Croaked Taurus, His voice was hoarse and was now taking deep breaths. I could see that his hands were still twitching. Taurus compared it to drinking acid. But it was far better than transforming without taking the potion. 

We waited for a few minutes for the process to start. I continued to stroke his hair as we talked to take his mind off what was to start happening

His features started to distort as the transformation began. He made grunts in pain, his eyes showed struggle as every bone in his body began to break. I closed my eyes not being able to witness his pain, trying to block out the pain of his toured breath. I could only mutter a few words of encouragement as I stroked his hair trying to comfort him. But I knew no matter what I did I could nothing ease his pain.

I opened my eyes when when the grunting stopped and I could hear a low whimper. In my lap, lay a huge black wolf, his gaze mixed with agony and vulnerability. He was absolutely beautiful. I stroked his fur with a small smile on my face.

I got up and sat on the sofa where I'd be sleeping for the night. Taurus jumped on the sofa right next to me and whined as he nudged the book next to him. I sighed as I remembered that, I agreed to look into the Triwizard Egg.

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