chapter 10

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disclamer: I'm dsylexic . I cant spell to save my life. If there is any spelling mistake please tell me kindly. Tell me if a sentance don't make sense 

Defense against the Dark Arts

Third Person POV

The group of Gryffindors came to class late and to their surprise, the whole class was sitting in their seat in silence. At the front of the room was Alscator Moody aka Mad Eye Moody.

"You're late," Said Mad Eye roughly "Sit down will ya,"

The group quickly took their seats at the front of the room as everybody else had taken up the back seat due to fear

"Alscator Moody, ex-auror and your new defense against the dark art teacher," Said Moody as he spelled his surname onto the chalkboard behind him "I am here because Dumbledore asked me to, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?"

The whole call sat there in silence afraid to open their mouth

"Good," Said Moody after a few moments "Which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are,"

"Three sir," Answered Hermione

"Good and why are they unforgivable?"

"Because they are unforgivable,"

"Well no shit Sherlock," Giggled Pansy under her breath making a few students that heard her laugh.

"Miss Parkinson, since you're so talkative can you tell me what happens if you use one of three spells," Asked Moody

"They can land you in Azkaban," Answered Pansy

"Name one of the curses Malfoy,"

"Uh, the imperious curse," Replied Draco

"Ah yes, your father would know a lot about that," Moody turned around and picked up a spider from a jar. Ron squeaked in fear as Moody put the spider on his table "Imperio"

The class laughed at Moody forcing the spider to fly around the room, some people squealed as Moody put the spider on their head.

"The imperio curse, takes away the freedom of the person it was used on," Laughed Moody as he continued to swing the spider around "You think it funny eh, what if I forced it to drown itself,"

The class suddenly went silent as the spider was held over a jar of water squealing.

"What if I told the spider to kill itself," Moody said more seriously sucking all the fun energy out of the room "Longbottom give me another curse,"

"The Cruciatus curse," Answered Neville after a long pause "The torture curse,"

"Yes, yes come here," Moody beckoned Neuville over to the front of the room. "Crucio,"

The spider squealed in pain and moved around. The class muttered and some looked away and covered their ears in discomfort. Neville continued to stand at the front frozen unable to look away but his face clearly showed horror.

"Stop it!" Screamed Hermine "Can't you see it bothering him,"

Moody snapped out of his trance and stopped the curse, the spider stopped screaming. Everybody in the class had a look of horror on their face.

"Sorry about that Longbottom," Apologized Moody "Uh go back to your seat,"

The class watched in complete silence as Moody picked up the spider and limped over to Ophiuchus's desk setting down the spider,

"Miss Lestrange is it?" Asked Moody, Ophiuchus nodded her head "Can you tell me the last unforgivable curse,"

Ophiuchus shook her head and stared down at the spider. She knew that if she opened her mouth her voice would be shaky under the table her hands tremble.

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