Chapter 6: The Reveals

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In a place known as the Darklands an airship lands outside a castle where reptilian soldiers resembling turtles with green, red, yellow and blue shells wearing armor there some winged versions of the creatures standing near the ship with their unwinged counterparts as it docks; these are Koopa Troopas. Four taller versions with different armor also stand alongside their smaller counterparts; these are called Hammer Brothers. A shorter reptile in blue robes named Kamek alongside a Koopa Troopa with wings and a spiked blue shell who is the general walk towards the ship patiently waiting. The doors on the ship creek open and more Koopa Troopas walk out with Hildy who is now wearing a pink dress struggling and King Koopa himself, still wearing the purple cape but this time he is also wearing a crown, behind his troops.

Kamek: Sire you've returned. How was the trip?

Hildy: Let me go you disgusting lizard things.

A mushroom creature waddles over and hisses at Hildy which startles her.

Koopa: Quiet my dear, and it was fine Kamek.

Kamek: I understand sire. I see you got the princess.

Koopa: I do, she put up a bit of a fight. General Mugger take her to her bed chamber.

Mugger: Yes sir.

Mugger salutes to his king before gripping Hildy's arm and takes her inside of Koopa's castle eventually throwing her in a bed chamber and locking the door, she bashes on the door trying to find a way to get out. Koopa walks in minutes later Hildy now exhausted from trying to escape is in fight flight or freeze as she doesn't know what to do.

Koopa: Well Princess Peach it's time I tell you something.

Hildy: What do you want me for? Why am I wearing this stupid dress? My name isn't Peach, it's Hildy nor am I a princess.

Koopa: Well, I guess it's time for you to know the truth about who you really are. You're a princess of this world your name is Peach, and you will be my bride so I can take over this pathetic mushroom world and then the world where you were raised.

Koopa then leaves the room leaving Peach in her new bedchamber. Peach thinks that she's gone crazy but is in a comforting place well at least the dimension was.

In Toad Towns library the brothers and the duo of fungi sit. Daisy takes the brothers to a room with a replica of a mural.

Daisy: This is the prophecy which I've deciphered.

Mario: What does it say? I need to know so I can get out of this, but no my dumb little brother drags me into this place.

Daisy: That was rude of you to say that. The prophecy reads as follows. Two babies were on their way home with a stork when a wizard took one and the other landed on the back of a lone Yoshi. The baby and Yoshi went on an adventure to save the other. Eventually they would return to bring the Mushroom Kingdom back to its glory.

Luigi: Wow. Mario, we have to do this.

Mario: Luigi, listen with all due respect, I suggest we go home.

Toad: Mario, Luigi if you go home now something bad will happen. Me and the rest of the Toad Brigade will be turned into Goombas. That crafty wizard of his Kamek will strip the kingdom of its magic.

Daisy: I won't let that happen as the second most powerful magic user I HIGHLY suggest that the two go with these members of the Toad Brigade to stop King Koopa. If you guys have to retreat and Koopa shows up here when you get back, I'll join you in taking him on.

Mario: You honestly think a couple of nobodies like us can stop that Koopa clown.

Toadette: It's the only thing we ask of you.

Daisy: There isn't much time to waste if you four go to the Kong Kingdom now! You'll need the help of the king's son Donkey Kong, he's strong enough to help stop King Koopa and his army. Take this map, it'll show you the way there.

Daisy hands Mario the map, who gives it to Luigi, and she shoves the brothers and the two members of the Toad Brigade out of the door and the four of them set off on their adventure.

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